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Moyenne de localisation fréquentielle des paquets d'ondelettes.

Ai Hua Fan (1998)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

En utilisant le théorème de Ruelle d'opérateur de transfert, nous démontrons que la moyenne 2-k Σn=02k-1 ||^wn||L1 de la localisation fréquentielle pour les paquets d'ondelettes admet un équivalent de la forme cρk (c > 0, 1 < ρ < √2). Cela améliore une inégalité antérieurement obtenue par Coifman, Meyer et Wickerhauser. Des estimations numériques de ρ sont obtenues pour des filtres de Daubechies.

Moyennes harmoniques

Fernando Alcalde Cuesta (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nous introduisons une notion de moyenne harmonique pour une marche aléatoire sur une relation d’équivalence mesurée graphée, qui généralise la notion classique de moyenne invariante. Pour les graphages à géométrie bornée, une telle moyenne existe toujours. Nous prouvons qu’une moyenne harmonique devient invariante lorsque la marche aléatoire sur presque toute orbite jouit de bonnes propriétés asymptotiques telles que la propriété de Liouville ou la récurrence.

Multibump solutions for Hamiltonian systems with fast and slow forcing

Vittorio Coti Zelati, Margherita Nolasco (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si dimostra l'esistenza di infinite soluzioni «multi-bump» - e conseguentemente il comportamento caotico - per una classe di sistemi Hamiltoniani del secondo ordine della forma - q ¨ + q = g 1 ω t + g 2 t / ω V q per ω sufficientemente piccolo. Qui q R n , g 1 e g 2 sono funzioni strettamente positive e periodiche e V è un potenziale superquadratico (ad esempio V q = q 4 ).

Multidimensional self-affine sets: non-empty interior and the set of uniqueness

Kevin G. Hare, Nikita Sidorov (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let M be a d × d real contracting matrix. We consider the self-affine iterated function system Mv-u, Mv+u, where u is a cyclic vector. Our main result is as follows: if | d e t M | 2 - 1 / d , then the attractor A M has non-empty interior. We also consider the set M of points in A M which have a unique address. We show that unless M belongs to a very special (non-generic) class, the Hausdorff dimension of M is positive. For this special class the full description of M is given as well. This paper continues our work begun...

Multifractal analysis for Birkhoff averages on Lalley-Gatzouras repellers

Henry W. J. Reeve (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider the multifractal analysis for Birkhoff averages of continuous potentials on a class of non-conformal repellers corresponding to the self-affine limit sets studied by Lalley and Gatzouras. A conditional variational principle is given for the Hausdorff dimension of the set of points for which the Birkhoff averages converge to a given value. This extends a result of Barral and Mensi to certain non-conformal maps with a measure dependent Lyapunov exponent.

Multifractal dimensions for invariant subsets of piecewise monotonic interval maps

Franz Hofbauer, Peter Raith, Thomas Steinberger (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The multifractal generalizations of Hausdorff dimension and packing dimension are investigated for an invariant subset A of a piecewise monotonic map on the interval. Formulae for the multifractal dimension of an ergodic invariant measure, the essential multifractal dimension of A, and the multifractal Hausdorff dimension of A are derived.

Multifractal spectra of Birkhoff averages for a piecewise monotone interval map

Franz Hofbauer (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the entropy spectrum of Birkhoff averages and the dimension spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for piecewise monotone transformations on the interval. In general, these transformations do not have finite Markov partitions and do not satisfy the specification property. We characterize these multifractal spectra in terms of the Legendre transform of a suitably defined pressure function.

Multiparameter ergodic Cesàro-α averages

A. L. Bernardis, R. Crescimbeni, C. Ferrari Freire (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Net (X,ℱ,ν) be a σ-finite measure space. Associated with k Lamperti operators on L p ( ν ) , T , . . . , T k , n ̅ = ( n , . . . , n k ) k and α ̅ = ( α , . . . , α k ) with 0 < α j 1 , we define the ergodic Cesàro-α̅ averages n ̅ , α ̅ f = 1 / ( j = 1 k A n j α j ) i k = 0 n k i = 0 n j = 1 k A n j - i j α j - 1 T k i k T i f . For these averages we prove the almost everywhere convergence on X and the convergence in the L p ( ν ) norm, when n , . . . , n k independently, for all f L p ( d ν ) with p > 1/α⁎ where α = m i n 1 j k α j . In the limit case p = 1/α⁎, we prove that the averages n ̅ , α ̅ f converge almost everywhere on X for all f in the Orlicz-Lorentz space Λ ( 1 / α , φ m - 1 ) with φ ( t ) = t ( 1 + l o g t ) m . To obtain the result in the limit case we need to study...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 182