Displaying 101 – 120 of 140

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Rank gradient, cost of groups and the rank versus Heegaard genus problem

Miklós Abért, Nikolay Nikolov (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the growth of the rank of subgroups of finite index in residually finite groups, by relating it to the notion of cost. As a by-product, we show that the ‘rank vs. Heegaard genus’ conjecture on hyperbolic 3-manifolds is incompatible with the ‘fixed price problem’ in topological dynamics.

Reflexively representable but not Hilbert representable compact flows and semitopological semigroups

Michael Megrelishvili (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that for many natural topological groups G (including the group ℤ of integers) there exist compact metric G-spaces (cascades for G = ℤ) which are reflexively representable but not Hilbert representable. This answers a question of T. Downarowicz. The proof is based on a classical example of W. Rudin and its generalizations. A~crucial step in the proof is our recent result which states that every weakly almost periodic function on a compact G-flow X comes from a G-representation of X on reflexive...

Représentation par automate de fonctions continues de tore

F. Blanchard, B. Host, A. Maass (1996)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Soient A p = { 0 , , p - 1 } et Z A p × A p un sous-système. Z est une représentation en base p d’une fonction f du tore si pour tout point x du tore, ses développements en base p sont liés par le couplage Z aux développements en base p de f ( x ) . On prouve que si f est représentable en base p alors f ( x ) = ( u x + m p - 1 ) mod 1 , où u et m A p . Réciproquement, toutes les fonctions de ce type sont représentables en base p par un transducteur. On montre finalement que les fonctions du tore qui peuvent être représentées par automate cellulaire sont exclusivement les multiplications...

Rigidity of projective conjugacy for quasiperiodic flows of Koch type

Lennard F. Bakker (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For quasiperiodic flows of Koch type, we exploit an algebraic rigidity of an equivalence relation on flows, called projective conjugacy, to algebraically characterize the deviations from completeness of an absolute invariant of projective conjugacy, called the multiplier group, which describes the generalized symmetries of the flow. We then describe three ways by which two quasiperiodic flows with the same Koch field are projectively conjugate when their multiplier groups are identical. The first...

Some dynamical properties of S-unimodal maps

Tomasz Nowicki (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study 1) the slopes of central branches of iterates of S-unimodal maps, comparing them to the derivatives on the critical trajectory, 2) the hyperbolic structure of Collet-Eckmann maps estimating the exponents, and under a summability condition 3) the images of the density one under the iterates of the Perron-Frobenius operator, 4) the density of the absolutely continuous invariant measure.

Some generic properties of concentration dimension of measure

Józef Myjak, Tomasz Szarek (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let K be a compact quasi self-similar set in a complete metric space X and let M 1 K denote the space of all probability measures on K , endowed with the Fortet-Mourier metric. We will show that for a typical (in the sense of Baire category) measure in M 1 K the lower concentration dimension is equal to 0 , while the upper concentration dimension is equal to the Hausdorff dimension of K .

Spaces of ω-limit sets of graph maps

Jie-Hua Mai, Song Shao (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let (X,f) be a dynamical system. In general the set of all ω-limit sets of f is not closed in the hyperspace of closed subsets of X. In this paper we study the case when X is a graph, and show that the family of ω-limit sets of a graph map is closed with respect to the Hausdorff metric.

Stretching the Oxtoby-Ulam Theorem

Ethan Akin (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

On a manifold X of dimension at least two, let μ be a nonatomic measure of full support with μ(∂X) = 0. The Oxtoby-Ulam Theorem says that ergodicity of μ is a residual property in the group of homeomorphisms which preserve μ. Daalderop and Fokkink have recently shown that density of periodic points is residual as well. We provide a proof of their result which replaces the dependence upon the Annulus Theorem by a direct construction which assures topologically robust periodic points.

Substitutions commutatives de séries formelles

François Laubie (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

L’étude des systèmes dynamiques non archimédiens initiée par J. Lubin conduit à déterminer la ramification de séries à coefficients dans un corps fini k , qui commutent entre elles pour la loi . Dans cet article nous traitons le cas des sous-groupes abéliens de t + t 2 k [ [ t ] ] qui correspondent par le foncteur corps de normes aux extensions abéliennes des extensions finies de p , dont la ramification se stabilise dès le début.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 140