Displaying 61 – 80 of 83

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Distributional fractional powers of the Laplacean. Riesz potentials

Celso Martínez, Miguel Sanzi, Francisco Periago (1999)

Studia Mathematica

For different reasons it is very useful to have at one’s disposal a duality formula for the fractional powers of the Laplacean, namely, ( ( - Δ ) α u , ϕ ) = ( u , ( - Δ ) α ϕ ) , α ∈ ℂ, for ϕ belonging to a suitable function space and u to its topological dual. Unfortunately, this formula makes no sense in the classical spaces of distributions. For this reason we introduce a new space of distributions where the above formula can be established. Finally, we apply this distributional point of view on the fractional powers of the Laplacean...

Divergence of general operators on sets of measure zero

G. A. Karagulyan (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider sequences of linear operators Uₙ with a localization property. It is proved that for any set E of measure zero there exists a set G for which U G ( x ) diverges at each point x ∈ E. This result is a generalization of analogous theorems known for the Fourier sum operators with respect to different orthogonal systems.

Double Sequence Spaces Definedby a Sequence of Modulus Functions over n -normed Spaces

Sunil K. Sharma, Ayhan Esi (2014)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In the present paper we introduce some double sequence spaces defined by a sequence of modulus function F = ( f k , l ) over n -normed spaces. We also make an effort to study some topological properties and inclusion relations between these spaces.

Double sine series with nonnegative coefficients and Lipschitz classes

Vanda Fülöp (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Denote by f s s ( x , y ) the sum of a double sine series with nonnegative coefficients. We present necessary and sufficient coefficient conditions in order that f s s belongs to the two-dimensional multiplicative Lipschitz class Lip(α,β) for some 0 < α ≤ 1 and 0 < β ≤ 1. Our theorems are extensions of the corresponding theorems by Boas for single sine series.

Double weighted commutators theorem for pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols

Yu-long Deng, Zhi-tian Chen, Shun-chao Long (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let - ( n + 1 ) < m - ( n + 1 ) ( 1 - ρ ) and let T a ρ , δ m be pseudo-differential operators with symbols a ( x , ξ ) n × n , where 0 < ρ 1 , 0 δ < 1 and δ ρ . Let μ , λ be weights in Muckenhoupt classes A p , ν = ( μ λ - 1 ) 1 / p for some 1 < p < . We establish a two-weight inequality for commutators generated by pseudo-differential operators T a with weighted BMO functions b BMO ν , namely, the commutator [ b , T a ] is bounded from L p ( μ ) into L p ( λ ) . Furthermore, the range of m can be extended to the whole m - ( n + 1 ) ( 1 - ρ ) .

Doubling properties and unique continuation at the boundary for elliptic operators with singular magnetic fields

Xiangxing Tao (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let u be a solution to a second order elliptic equation with singular magnetic fields, vanishing continuously on an open subset Γ of the boundary of a Lipschitz domain. An elementary proof of the doubling property for u² over balls centered at some points near Γ is presented. Moreover, we get the unique continuation at the boundary of Dini domains for elliptic operators.

Dual spaces to Orlicz-Lorentz spaces

Anna Kamińska, Karol Leśnik, Yves Raynaud (2014)

Studia Mathematica

For an Orlicz function φ and a decreasing weight w, two intrinsic exact descriptions are presented for the norm in the Köthe dual of the Orlicz-Lorentz function space Λ φ , w or the sequence space λ φ , w , equipped with either the Luxemburg or Amemiya norms. The first description is via the modular i n f φ ( f * / | g | ) | g | : g w , where f* is the decreasing rearrangement of f, ≺ denotes submajorization, and φ⁎ is the complementary function to φ. The second description is in terms of the modular I φ ( ( f * ) / w ) w ,where (f*)⁰ is Halperin’s level function...

Duality of matrix-weighted Besov spaces

Svetlana Roudenko (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We determine the duals of the homogeneous matrix-weighted Besov spaces p α q ( W ) and p α q ( W ) which were previously defined in [5]. If W is a matrix A p weight, then the dual of p α q ( W ) can be identified with p ' - α q ' ( W - p ' / p ) and, similarly, [ p α q ( W ) ] * p ' - α q ' ( W - p ' / p ) . Moreover, for certain W which may not be in the A p class, the duals of p α q ( W ) and p α q ( W ) are determined and expressed in terms of the Besov spaces p ' - α q ' ( A Q - 1 ) and p ' - α q ' ( A Q - 1 ) , which we define in terms of reducing operators A Q Q associated with W. We also develop the basic theory of these reducing operator Besov spaces. Similar...

Duality properties and Riesz representation theorem in Besicovitch-Musielak-Orlicz space of almost periodic functions

A. Daoui, Mohamed Morsli, M. Smaali (2012)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This paper is an extension of the work done in [Morsli M., Bedouhene F., Boulahia F., Duality properties and Riesz representation theorem in the Besicovitch-Orlicz space of almost periodic functions, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 43 (2002), no. 1, 103--117] to the Besicovitch-Musielak-Orlicz space of almost periodic functions. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the reflexivity of this space are given. A Riesz type ``duality representation theorem'' is also stated.

Duality properties and Riesz representation theorem in the Besicovitch-Orlicz space of almost periodic functions

Mohamed Morsli, Fazia Bedouhene, Fatiha Boulahia (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In [6], the classical Riesz representation theorem is extended to the class of Besicovitch space of almost periodic functions B q  a.p., q ] 1 , + [ . It is also shown that this space is reflexive. We shall consider here such results in the context of Orlicz spaces, namely in the class of Besicovitch-Orlicz space of almost periodic functions B φ  a.p., where φ is an Orlicz function.

Duality, reflexivity and atomic decompositions in Banach spaces

Daniel Carando, Silvia Lassalle (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study atomic decompositions and their relationship with duality and reflexivity of Banach spaces. To this end, we extend the concepts of "shrinking" and "boundedly complete" Schauder basis to the atomic decomposition framework. This allows us to answer a basic duality question: when an atomic decomposition for a Banach space generates, by duality, an atomic decomposition for its dual space. We also characterize the reflexivity of a Banach space in terms of properties of its atomic decompositions....

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 83