Displaying 181 – 200 of 601

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Entropy solutions for nonhomogeneous anisotropic Δ p ( · ) problems

Elhoussine Azroul, Abdelkrim Barbara, Mohamed Badr Benboubker, Hassane Hjiaj (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We study a class of anisotropic nonlinear elliptic equations with variable exponent p⃗(·) growth. We obtain the existence of entropy solutions by using the truncation technique and some a priori estimates.

Entropy solutions for nonlinear unilateral parabolic inequalities in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces

Azeddine Aissaoui Fqayeh, Abdelmoujib Benkirane, Mostafa El Moumni (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We discuss the existence of entropy solution for the strongly nonlinear unilateral parabolic inequalities associated to the nonlinear parabolic equations ∂u/∂t - div(a(x,t,u,∇u) + Φ(u)) + g(u)M(|∇u|) = μ in Q, in the framework of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces without any restriction on the N-function of the Orlicz spaces, where -div(a(x,t,u,∇u)) is a Leray-Lions operator and Φ C ( , N ) . The function g(u)M(|∇u|) is a nonlinear lower order term with natural growth with respect to |∇u|, without satisfying the sign...

Envelope functions and asymptotic structures in Banach spaces

Bünyamin Sarı (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce a notion of disjoint envelope functions to study asymptotic structures of Banach spaces. The main result gives a new characterization of asymptotic- p spaces in terms of the p -behavior of “disjoint-permissible” vectors of constant coefficients. Applying this result to Tirilman spaces we obtain a negative solution to a conjecture of Casazza and Shura. Further investigation of the disjoint envelopes leads to a finite-representability result in the spirit of the Maurey-Pisier theorem.

Equality of two diffeomorphism invariant Colombeau algebras

Jiří Jelínek (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The two diffeomorphism invariant algebras introduced in Grosser M., Farkas E., Kunziger M., Steinbauer R., On the foundations of nonlinear generalized functions I, II, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 153 (2001), no. 729, 93 pp., are identical.

Equations containing locally Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions

Seppo Heikkilä, Guoju Ye (2012)

Applications of Mathematics

A fixed point theorem in ordered spaces and a recently proved monotone convergence theorem are applied to derive existence and comparison results for solutions of a functional integral equation of Volterra type and a functional impulsive Cauchy problem in an ordered Banach space. A novel feature is that equations contain locally Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions.

Equations in differentials in the algebra of generalized stochastic processes

Nadzeya V. Bedziuk, Aleh L. Yablonski (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We consider an ordinary or stochastic nonlinear equation with generalized coefficients as an equation in differentials in the algebra of new generalized functions in the sense of [8]. Consequently, the solution of such an equation is a new generalized function. We formulate conditions under which the solution of a given equation in the algebra of new generalized functions is associated with an ordinary function or process. Moreover the class of all possible associated functions and processes is...

Equicontinuity of power maps in locally pseudo-convex algebras

Abdellah El Kinani (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that, in any unitary (commutative or not) Baire locally pseudo-convex algebra with a continuous product, the power maps are equicontinuous at zero if all entire functions operate. We obtain the same conclusion if every element is bounded. An immediate consequence is a result of A. Arosio on commutative and complete metrizable locally convex algebras.

Equilateral sets in Banach spaces of the form C(K)

Sophocles K. Mercourakis, Georgios Vassiliadis (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We show that for "most" compact nonmetrizable spaces, the unit ball of the Banach space C(K) contains an uncountable 2-equilateral set. We also give examples of compact nonmetrizable spaces K such that the minimum cardinality of a maximal equilateral set in C(K) is countable.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 601