Displaying 2861 – 2880 of 13204

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Decomposition of Banach Space into a Direct Sum of Separable and Reflexive Subspaces and Borel Maps

Plichko, Anatolij (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* This paper was supported in part by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Science and Technologies under contract MM-506/95.The main results of the paper are: Theorem 1. Let a Banach space E be decomposed into a direct sum of separable and reflexive subspaces. Then for every Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space Z and for every linear continuous bijective operator T : E → Z, the inverse T^(−1) is a Borel map. Theorem 2. Let us assume the continuum hypothesis. If a Banach space E cannot...

Decomposition systems for function spaces

G. Kyriazis (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let Θ : = θ I e : e E , I D be a decomposition system for L ( d ) indexed over D, the set of dyadic cubes in d , and a finite set E, and let Θ ̃ : = Θ ̃ I e : e E , I D be the corresponding dual functionals. That is, for every f L ( d ) , f = e E I D f , Θ ̃ I e θ I e . We study sufficient conditions on Θ,Θ̃ so that they constitute a decomposition system for Triebel-Lizorkin and Besov spaces. Moreover, these conditions allow us to characterize the membership of a distribution f in these spaces by the size of the coefficients f , Θ ̃ I e , e ∈ E, I ∈ D. Typical examples of such decomposition systems...

Décompositions dans certaines algèbres de Fréchet de fonctions holomorphes.

Ahmed Sebbar (1994)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Dans ce travail, nous étudions le problème de décomposicion suivant: Étant donnés deux ouverts bornés de Cp, Ω1 et Ω2 (vérifiant certaines conditions) et étant donnée une matrice A(z), carrée d'ordre n, dont les coefficients sont des fonctions holomorphes dans Ω1 ∩ Ω2, ayant une prolongement C∞ à l'adhérence (Ω1 ∩ Ω2), peut-on trouver deux matrices A1(z), A2(z) holomorphes dans Ω1 et Ω2 respectivement et se prolongeant de manière C∞ à (Ω1) et (Ω2) telles que sur Ω1 ∩ Ω2 on aitA = A1A2.

Decompositions for real Banach spaces with small spaces of operators

Manuel González, José M. Herrera (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We consider real Banach spaces X for which the quotient algebra (X)/ℐn(X) is finite-dimensional, where ℐn(X) stands for the ideal of inessential operators on X. We show that these spaces admit a decomposition as a finite direct sum of indecomposable subspaces X i for which ( X i ) / n ( X i ) is isomorphic as a real algebra to either the real numbers ℝ, the complex numbers ℂ, or the quaternion numbers ℍ. Moreover, the set of subspaces X i can be divided into subsets in such a way that if X i and X j are in different subsets,...

Decompositions of Beurling type for E₀-semigroups

Rolf Gohm (2006)

Banach Center Publications

We define tensor product decompositions of E₀-semigroups with a structure analogous to a classical theorem of Beurling. Such decompositions can be characterized by adaptedness and exactness of unitary cocycles. For CCR-flows we show that such cocycles are convergent.

Definitions of Sobolev classes on metric spaces

Bruno Franchi, Piotr Hajłasz, Pekka Koskela (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

There have been recent attempts to develop the theory of Sobolev spaces W 1 , p on metric spaces that do not admit any differentiable structure. We prove that certain definitions are equivalent. We also define the spaces in the limiting case p = 1 .

Deformation of Banach spaces

Józef Banaś, Krzysztof Fraczek (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Using some moduli of convexity and smoothness we introduce a function which allows us to measure the deformation of Banach spaces. A few properties of this function are derived and its applicability in the geometric theory of Banach spaces is indicated.

Deformation of involution and multiplication in a C*-algebra

H. Najafi, M. S. Moslehian (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the deformations of involution and multiplication in a unital C*-algebra when its norm is fixed. Our main result is to present all multiplications and involutions on a given C*-algebra 𝓐 under which 𝓐 is still a C*-algebra when we keep the norm unchanged. For each invertible element a ∈ 𝓐 we also introduce an involution and a multiplication making 𝓐 into a C*-algebra in which a becomes a positive element. Further, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the center of...

Deformation quantization and Borel's theorem in locally convex spaces

Miroslav Engliš, Jari Taskinen (2007)

Studia Mathematica

It is well known that one can often construct a star-product by expanding the product of two Toeplitz operators asymptotically into a series of other Toeplitz operators multiplied by increasing powers of the Planck constant h. This is the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization. We show that one can obtain in a similar way in fact any star-product which is equivalent to the Berezin-Toeplitz star-product, by using instead of Toeplitz operators other suitable mappings from compactly supported smooth functions...

Deformation Theory (Lecture Notes)

M. Doubek, Martin Markl, Petr Zima (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

First three sections of this overview paper cover classical topics of deformation theory of associative algebras and necessary background material. We then analyze algebraic structures of the Hochschild cohomology and describe the relation between deformations and solutions of the corresponding Maurer-Cartan equation. In Section  we generalize the Maurer-Cartan equation to strongly homotopy Lie algebras and prove the homotopy invariance of the moduli space of solutions of this equation. In the last...

Currently displaying 2861 – 2880 of 13204