Displaying 4961 – 4980 of 13205

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Interpolation of the measure of non-compactness between quasi-Banach spaces.

Pedro Fernández Martínez (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study the behavior of the ball measure of non-compactness under several interpolation methods. First we deal with methods that interpolate couples of spaces, and then we proceed to extend the results to methods that interpolate finite families of spaces. We will need an approximation hypothesis on the target family of spaces.

Interpolation of the measure of non-compactness by the real method

Fernando Cobos, Pedro Fernández-Martínez, Antón Martínez (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the behaviour of the measure of non-compactness of an operator under real interpolation. Our results refer to general Banach couples. An application to the essential spectral radius of interpolated operators is also given.

Interpolation on families of characteristic functions

Michael Cwikel, Archil Gulisashvili (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We study a problem of interpolating a linear operator which is bounded on some family of characteristic functions. A new example is given of a Banach couple of function spaces for which such interpolation is possible. This couple is of the form Φ ¯ = ( B , L ) where B is an arbitrary Banach lattice of measurable functions on a σ-finite nonatomic measure space (Ω,Σ,μ). We also give an equivalent expression for the norm of a function ⨍ in the real interpolation space ( B , L ) θ , p in terms of the characteristic functions of...

Interpolation operators on the space of holomorphic functions on the unit circle

Josef Kofroň (2001)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of the paper is to get an estimation of the error of the general interpolation rule for functions which are real valued on the interval [ - a , a ] , a ( 0 , 1 ) , have a holomorphic extension on the unit circle and are quadratic integrable on the boundary of it. The obtained estimate does not depend on the derivatives of the function to be interpolated. The optimal interpolation formula with mutually different nodes is constructed and an error estimate as well as the rate of convergence are obtained. The general...

Interpolation properties of a scale of spaces.

A. K. Lerner, L. Liflyand (2003)

Collectanea Mathematica

A scale of function spaces is considered which proved to be of considerable importance in analysis. Interpolation properties of these spaces are studied by means of the real interpolation method. The main result consists in demonstrating that this scale is interpolated in a way different from that for Lp spaces, namely, the interpolation space is not from this scale.

Interpolation sets for Fréchet measures

J. Caggiano (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce various classes of interpolation sets for Fréchet measures-the measure-theoretic analogues of bounded multilinear forms on products of C(K) spaces.

Interpolation theorem for the p-harmonic transform

Luigi D'Onofrio, Tadeusz Iwaniec (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We establish an interpolation theorem for a class of nonlinear operators in the Lebesgue spaces s ( ) arising naturally in the study of elliptic PDEs. The prototype of those PDEs is the second order p-harmonic equation d i v | u | p - 2 u = d i v . In this example the p-harmonic transform is essentially inverse to d i v ( | | p - 2 ) . To every vector field q ( , ) our operator p assigns the gradient of the solution, p = u p ( , ) . The core of the matter is that we go beyond the natural domain of definition of this operator. Because of nonlinearity our arguments...

Interpolation theory and measures related to operator ideals

Cobos, Fernando (1999)

Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications

Given any operator ideal , there are two natural functionals γ ( T ) , β ( T ) that one can use to show the deviation of the operator T to the closed surjective hull of and to the closed injective hull of , respectively. We describe the behaviour under interpolation of γ and β . The results are part of joint works with A. Martínez, A. Manzano and P. Fernández-Martínez.

Intersection properties for cones of monotone and convex functions with respect to the couple ( L p , B M O )

Inna Kozlov (2001)

Studia Mathematica

The paper is devoted to some aspects of the real interpolation method in the case of triples (X₀,X₁,Q) where X̅: = (X₀,X₁) is a Banach couple and Q is a convex cone. The first fundamental result of the theory, the interpolation theorem, holds in this situation (for linear operators preserving the cone structure). The second one, the reiteration theorem, holds only under some conditions on the triple. One of these conditions, the so-called intersection property, is studied for cones with respect...

Currently displaying 4961 – 4980 of 13205