Displaying 841 – 860 of 1282

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Stability of Supporting and Exposing Elements of Convex Sets in Banach Spaces

Azé, D., Lucchetti, R. (1996)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* This work was supported by the CNR while the author was visiting the University of Milan.To a convex set in a Banach space we associate a convex function (the separating function), whose subdifferential provides useful information on the nature of the supporting and exposed points of the convex set. These points are shown to be also connected to the solutions of a minimization problem involving the separating function. We investigate some relevant properties of this function and of its conjugate...

Stability of the bases and frames reproducing kernels in model spaces

Anton Baranov (2005)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the bases and frames of reproducing kernels in the model subspaces K Θ 2 = H 2 Θ H 2 of the Hardy class H 2 in the upper half-plane. The main problem under consideration is the stability of a basis of reproducing kernels k λ n ( z ) = ( 1 - Θ ( λ n ) ¯ Θ ( z ) ) / ( z - λ ¯ n ) under “small” perturbations of the points λ n . We propose an approach to this problem based on the recently obtained estimates of derivatives in the spaces K Θ 2 and produce estimates of admissible perturbations generalizing certain results of W.S. Cohn and E. Fricain.

Stability of the Cauchy functional equation in quasi-Banach spaces

Jacek Tabor (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let X be a quasi-Banach space. We prove that there exists K > 0 such that for every function w:ℝ → X satisfying ||w(s+t)-w(s)-w(t)|| ≤ ε(|s|+|t|) for s,t ∈ ℝ, there exists a unique additive function a:ℝ → X such that a(1)=0 and ||w(s)-a(s)-sθ(log₂|s|)|| ≤ Kε|s| for s ∈ ℝ, where θ: ℝ → X is defined by θ ( k ) : = w ( 2 k ) / 2 k for k ∈ ℤ and extended in a piecewise linear way over the rest of ℝ.

Stable elements of Banach and Fréchet algebras

Graham Allan (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce an algebraic notion-stability-for an element of a commutative ring. It is shown that the stable elements of Banach algebras, and of Fréchet algebras, may be simply described. Part of the theory of power-series embeddings, given in [1] and [4], is seen to be of a purely algebraic nature. This approach leads to other natural questions.

Stable inverse-limit sequences, with application to Predict algebras

Graham Allan (1996)

Studia Mathematica

The notion of a stable inverse-limit sequence is introduced. It provides a sufficient (and, for sequences of abelian groups, necessary) condition for the preservation of exactness by the inverse-limit functor. Examples of stable sequences are provided through the abstract Mittag-Leffler theorem; the results are applied in the theory of Fréchet algebras.

Stable outer conjugacy and strong Morita equivalence of group actions on pro-C *-algebras

Maria Joiţa (2009)

Open Mathematics

We show that two continuous inverse limit actions α and β of a locally compact group G on two pro-C *-algebras A and B are stably outer conjugate if and only if there is a full Hilbert A-module E and a continuous action u of G on E such that E and E *(the dual module of E) are countably generated in M(E)(the multiplier module of E), respectively M(E *) and the pair (E, u) implements a strong Morita equivalence between α and β. This is a generalization of a result of F. Combes [Proc. London Math....

Stable points of unit ball in Orlicz spaces

Marek Wisła (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of this paper is to investigate stability of unit ball in Orlicz spaces, endowed with the Luxemburg norm, from the “local” point of view. Firstly, those points of the unit ball are characterized which are stable, i.e., at which the map z { ( x , y ) : 1 2 ( x + y ) = z } is lower-semicontinuous. Then the main theorem is established: An Orlicz space L ϕ ( μ ) has stable unit ball if and only if either L ϕ ( μ ) is finite dimensional or it is isometric to L ( μ ) or ϕ satisfies the condition Δ r or Δ r 0 (appropriate to the measure μ and the function...

Stable rank and real rank of compact transformation group C*-algebras

Robert J. Archbold, Eberhard Kaniuth (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let (G,X) be a transformation group, where X is a locally compact Hausdorff space and G is a compact group. We investigate the stable rank and the real rank of the transformation group C*-algebra C₀(X)⋊ G. Explicit formulae are given in the case where X and G are second countable and X is locally of finite G-orbit type. As a consequence, we calculate the ranks of the group C*-algebra C*(ℝⁿ ⋊ G), where G is a connected closed subgroup of SO(n) acting on ℝⁿ by rotation.

Currently displaying 841 – 860 of 1282