Displaying 961 – 980 of 1282

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Structure of Cesàro function spaces: a survey

Sergey V. Astashkin, Lech Maligranda (2014)

Banach Center Publications

Geometric structure of Cesàro function spaces C e s p ( I ) , where I = [0,1] and [0,∞), is investigated. Among other matters we present a description of their dual spaces, characterize the sets of all q ∈ [1,∞] such that C e s p [ 0 , 1 ] contains isomorphic and complemented copies of l q -spaces, show that Cesàro function spaces fail the fixed point property, give a description of subspaces generated by Rademacher functions in spaces C e s p [ 0 , 1 ] .

Structure of measures on topological spaces.

José L. de María, Baltasar Rodríguez Salinas (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The Radon spaces of type (T), i.e., topological spaces for which every finite Borel measure on Omega is T-additive and T-regular are characterized. The class of these spaces is very wide and in particular it contains the Radon spaces. We extend the results of Marczewski an Sikorski to the sygma-metrizable spaces and to the subsets of the Banach spaces endowed with the weak topology. Finally, the completely additive families of measurable subsets related with the works of Hansell, Koumoullis, and...

Structure of Rademacher subspaces in Cesàro type spaces

Sergey V. Astashkin, Lech Maligranda (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The structure of the closed linear span of the Rademacher functions in the Cesàro space C e s is investigated. It is shown that every infinite-dimensional subspace of either is isomorphic to l₂ and uncomplemented in C e s , or contains a subspace isomorphic to c₀ and complemented in . The situation is rather different in the p-convexification of C e s if 1 < p < ∞.

Structure of spaces of germs of holomorphic functions.

Nguyen Van Khue, P. Thien Danh (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let E be a Frechet (resp. Frechet-Hilbert) space. It is shown that E ∈ (Ω) (resp. E ∈ (DN)) if and only if [H(OE)]' ∈ (Ω) (resp. [H(OE)]' ∈ (DN)). Moreover it is also shown that E ∈ (DN) if and only if Hb(E') ∈ (DN). In the nuclear case these results were proved by Meise and Vogt [2].

Structure spaces for rings of continuous functions with applications to realcompactifications

Lothar Redlin, Saleem Watson (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a completely regular space and let A(X) be a ring of continuous real-valued functions on X which is closed under local bounded inversion. We show that the structure space of A(X) is homeomorphic to a quotient of the Stone-Čech compactification of X. We use this result to show that any realcompactification of X is homeomorphic to a subspace of the structure space of some ring of continuous functions A(X).

Structure theory of homologically trivial and annihilator locally C*-algebras

Alexei Yu. Pirkovskii, Yurii V. Selivanov (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We study the structure of certain classes of homologically trivial locally C*-algebras. These include algebras with projective irreducible Hermitian A-modules, biprojective algebras, and superbiprojective algebras. We prove that, if A is a locally C*-algebra, then all irreducible Hermitian A-modules are projective if and only if A is a direct topological sum of elementary C*-algebras. This is also equivalent to A being an annihilator (dual, complemented, left quasi-complemented, or topologically...

Structure theory of power series spaces of infinite type.

Dietmar Vogt (2003)


The paper gives a complete characterization of the subspaces, quotients and complemented subspaces of a stable power series space of infinite type without the assumption of nuclearity, so extending previous work of M. J. Wagner and the author to the nonnuclear case. Various sufficient conditions for the existence of bases in complemented subspaces of infinite type power series spaces are also extended to the nonnuclear case.

Currently displaying 961 – 980 of 1282