Displaying 261 – 280 of 419

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Some properties of weak Banach-Saks operators

Othman Aboutafail, Larbi Zraoula, Noufissa Hafidi (2021)

Mathematica Bohemica

We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which weak Banach-Saks operators are weakly compact (respectively, L-weakly compact; respectively, M-weakly compact). As consequences, we give some interesting characterizations of order continuous norm (respectively, reflexive Banach lattice).

Some results on order weakly compact operators

Belmesnaoui Aqzzouz, Jawad Hmichane (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

We establish some properties of the class of order weakly compact operators on Banach lattices. As consequences, we obtain some characterizations of Banach lattices with order continuous norms or whose topological duals have order continuous norms.

Strong topologies on vector-valued function spaces

Marian Nowak (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( X , · X ) be a real Banach space and let E be an ideal of L 0 over a σ -finite measure space ( Ø , Σ , μ ) . Let ( X ) be the space of all strongly Σ -measurable functions f Ø X such that the scalar function f ˜ , defined by f ˜ ( ø ) = f ( ø ) X for ø Ø , belongs to E . The paper deals with strong topologies on E ( X ) . In particular, the strong topology β ( E ( X ) , E ( X ) n ) ( E ( X ) n = the order continuous dual of E ( X ) ) is examined. We generalize earlier results of [PC] and [FPS] concerning the strong topologies.

Subgroups and hulls of Specker lattice-ordered groups

Paul F. Conrad, Michael R. Darnel (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this article, it will be shown that every -subgroup of a Specker -group has singular elements and that the class of -groups that are -subgroups of Specker -group form a torsion class. Methods of adjoining units and bases to Specker -groups are then studied with respect to the generalized Boolean algebra of singular elements, as is the strongly projectable hull of a Specker -group.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 419