Displaying 121 – 140 of 419

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L¹ representation of Riesz spaces

Bahri Turan (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let E be a Riesz space. By defining the spaces L ¹ E and L E of E, we prove that the center Z ( L ¹ E ) of L ¹ E is L E and show that the injectivity of the Arens homomorphism m: Z(E)” → Z(E˜) is equivalent to the equality L ¹ E = Z ( E ) ' . Finally, we also give some representation of an order continuous Banach lattice E with a weak unit and of the order dual E˜ of E in L ¹ E which are different from the representations appearing in the literature.

Les topologies sygma-Lebesgue sur C(X).

Belmesnaoui Aqzzouz, Redouane Nouira (2004)

Extracta Mathematicae

We prove that if X is a compact topological space which contains a nontrivial metrizable connected closed subset, then the vector lattice C(X) does not carry any sygma-Lebesgue topology.

Monotone extenders for bounded c-valued functions

Kaori Yamazaki (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let c be the Banach space consisting of all convergent sequences of reals with the sup-norm, C ( A , c ) the set of all bounded continuous functions f: A → c, and C A ( X , c ) the set of all functions f: X → c which are continuous at each point of A ⊂ X. We show that a Tikhonov subspace A of a topological space X is strong Choquet in X if there exists a monotone extender u : C ( A , c ) C A ( X , c ) . This shows that the monotone extension property for bounded c-valued functions can fail in GO-spaces, which provides a negative answer to a question...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 419