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Remarks on rich subspaces of Banach spaces

Vladimir Kadets, Nigel Kalton, Dirk Werner (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate rich subspaces of L₁ and deduce an interpolation property of Sidon sets. We also present examples of rich separable subspaces of nonseparable Banach spaces and we study the Daugavet property of tensor products.

Remarks on some properties in the geometric theory of Banach spaces

Wagdy Gomaa El-Sayed, Krzysztof Fraczek (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of this paper is to derive some relationships between the concepts of the property of strong ( α ' ) introduced recently by Hong-Kun Xu and the so-called characteristic of near convexity defined by Goebel and Sȩkowski. Particularly we provide very simple proof of a result obtained by Hong-Kun Xu.

Remarks on the complementability of spaces of Bochner integrable functions in spaces of vector measures

Giovanni Emmanuele (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the paper [5] L. Drewnowski and the author proved that if X is a Banach space containing a copy of c 0 then L 1 ( μ , X ) is not complemented in c a b v ( μ , X ) and conjectured that the same result is true if X is any Banach space without the Radon-Nikodym property. Recently, F. Freniche and L. Rodriguez-Piazza ([7]) disproved this conjecture, by showing that if μ is a finite measure and X is a Banach lattice not containing copies of c 0 , then L 1 ( μ , X ) is complemented in c a b v ( μ , X ) . Here, we show that the complementability of L 1 ( μ , X ) in c a b v ( μ , X ) together...

Remarks on the Istratescu measure of noncompactness.

Janusz Dronka (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper we give estimations of Istratescu measure of noncompactness I(X) of a set X C lp(E1,...,En) in terms of measures I(Xj) (j=1,...,n) of projections Xj of X on Ej. Also a converse problem of finding a set X for which the measure I(X) satisfies the estimations under consideration is considered.

Report on twisted sums of Banach spaces.

Félix Cabello, Jesús M. Fernández Castillo (1996)

Extracta Mathematicae

This note is to report some of the advances obtained as a follow-up of the book [2] on the topic of twisted sums of Banach spaces. Since this announcement is no longer enough to contain the theory being developed, we submit the interested reader to [2] and to [1], where full details and proofs shall appear.

Representable Banach Spaces and Uniformly Gateaux-Smooth Norms

Frontisi, Julien (1996)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

It is proved that a representable non-separable Banach space does not admit uniformly Gâteaux-smooth norms. This is true in particular for C(K) spaces where K is a separable non-metrizable Rosenthal compact space.

Rotund and uniformly rotund Banach spaces.

V. Montesinos, J. R. Torregrosa (1991)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper we prove that the geometrical notions of Rotundity and Uniform Rotundity of the norm in a Banach space are stable for the generalized Banach products.

Rotundity and smoothness of convex bodies in reflexive and nonreflexive spaces

Victor Klee, Libor Veselý, Clemente Zanco (1996)

Studia Mathematica

For combining two convex bodies C and D to produce a third body, two of the most important ways are the operation ∓ of forming the closure of the vector sum C+D and the operation γ̅ of forming the closure of the convex hull of C ⋃ D. When the containing normed linear space X is reflexive, it follows from weak compactness that the vector sum and the convex hull are already closed, and from this it follows that the class of all rotund bodies in X is stable with respect to the operation ∓ and the class...

Roughness of two norms on Musielak-Orlicz function spaces

Jimin Zheng, Lihuan Sun, Yun'an Cui (2008)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper, the criteria of strong roughness, roughness and pointwise roughness of Orlicz norm and Luxemburg norm on Musielak-Orlicz function spaces are obtained.

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