Displaying 121 – 140 of 313

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Higher-dimensional weak amenability

B. Johnson (1997)

Studia Mathematica

Bade, Curtis and Dales have introduced the idea of weak amenability. A commutative Banach algebra A is weakly amenable if there are no non-zero continuous derivations from A to A*. We extend this by defining an alternating n-derivation to be an alternating n-linear map from A to A* which is a derivation in each of its variables. Then we say that A is n-dimensionally weakly amenable if there are no non-zero continuous alternating n-derivations on A. Alternating n-derivations are the same as alternating...

Homogeneous algebras on the circle. I. Ideals of analytic functions

Colin Bennett, John E. Gilbert (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝒜 be a homogeneous algebra on the circle and 𝒜 + the closed subalgebra of 𝒜 of functions having analytic extensions into the unit disk D . This paper considers the structure of closed ideals of 𝒜 + under suitable restrictions on the synthesis properties of 𝒜 . In particular, completely characterized are the closed ideals in 𝒜 + whose zero sets meet the circle in a countable set of points. These results contain some previous results of Kahane and Taylor-Williams obtained independently.

Homogeneous algebras on the circle. II. Multipliers, Ditkin conditions

Colin Bennett, John E. Gilbert (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This paper considers the Lipschitz subalgebras Λ ( α , p , 𝒜 ) of a homogeneous algebra on the circle. Interpolation space theory is used to derive estimates for the multiplier norm on closed primary ideals in Λ ( α , p ; 𝒜 ) , α [ α ] . From these estimates the Ditkin and Analytic Ditkin conditions for Λ ( α , p ; 𝒜 ) follow easily. Thus the well-known theory of (regular) Banach algebras satisfying the Ditkin condition applies to Λ ( α ; , p ; 𝒜 ) as does the theory developed in part I of this series which requires the Analytic Ditkin condition.Examples are discussed...

Homogenous Banach spaces on the unit circle.

Thomas Vils Pedersen (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We prove that a homogeneous Banach space B on the unit circle T can be embedded as a closed subspace of a dual space Ξ*B contained in the space of bounded Borel measures on T in such a way that the map B → Ξ*B defines a bijective correspondence between the class of homogeneous Banach spaces on T and the class of prehomogeneous Banach spaces on T.We apply our results to show that the algebra of all continuous functions on T is the only homogeneous Banach algebra on T in which every closed ideal has...

Homomorphisms on algebras of Lipschitz functions

Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize a class of *-homomorphisms on Lip⁎(X,𝓑(𝓗 )), a non-commutative Banach *-algebra of Lipschitz functions on a compact metric space and with values in 𝓑(𝓗 ). We show that the zero map is the only multiplicative *-preserving linear functional on Lip⁎(X,𝓑(𝓗 )). We also establish the algebraic reflexivity property of a class of *-isomorphisms on Lip⁎(X,𝓑(𝓗 )).

Homotonic algebras

Michael Cwikel, Moshe Goldberg (2009)

Studia Mathematica

An algebra 𝓐 of real- or complex-valued functions defined on a set T shall be called homotonic if 𝓐 is closed under taking absolute values, and for all f and g in 𝓐, the product f × g satisfies |f × g| ≤ |f| × |g|. Our main purpose in this paper is two-fold: to show that the above definition is equivalent to an earlier definition of homotonicity, and to provide a simple inequality which characterizes submultiplicativity and strong stability for weighted sup norms on homotonic algebras.

Idempotents in quotients and restrictions of Banach algebras of functions

Thomas Vils Pedersen (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝒜 β be the Beurling algebra with weight ( 1 + | n | ) β on the unit circle 𝕋 and, for a closed set E 𝕋 , let J 𝒜 β ( E ) = { f 𝒜 β : f = 0 on a neighbourhood of E } . We prove that, for β > 1 2 , there exists a closed set E 𝕋 of measure zero such that the quotient algebra 𝒜 β / J 𝒜 β ( E ) is not generated by its idempotents, thus contrasting a result of Zouakia. Furthermore, for the Lipschitz algebras λ γ and the algebra 𝒜 𝒞 of absolutely continuous functions on 𝕋 , we characterize the closed sets E 𝕋 for which the restriction algebras λ γ ( E ) and 𝒜 𝒞 ( E ) are generated by their idempotents.

Integrals and Banach spaces for finite order distributions

Erik Talvila (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let c denote the real-valued functions continuous on the extended real line and vanishing at - . Let r denote the functions that are left continuous, have a right limit at each point and vanish at - . Define 𝒜 c n to be the space of tempered distributions that are the n th distributional derivative of a unique function in c . Similarly with 𝒜 r n from r . A type of integral is defined on distributions in 𝒜 c n and 𝒜 r n . The multipliers are iterated integrals of functions of bounded variation. For each n , the spaces...

Invariant means on a class of von Neumann algebras related to ultraspherical hypergroups

Nageswaran Shravan Kumar (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let K be an ultraspherical hypergroup associated to a locally compact group G and a spherical projector π and let VN(K) denote the dual of the Fourier algebra A(K) corresponding to K. In this note, invariant means on VN(K) are defined and studied. We show that the set of invariant means on VN(K) is nonempty. Also, we prove that, if H is an open subhypergroup of K, then the number of invariant means on VN(H) is equal to the number of invariant means on VN(K). We also show that a unique topological...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 313