Displaying 101 – 120 of 204

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Morita equivalence of groupoid C*-algebras arising from dynamical systems

Xiaoman Chen, Chengjun Hou (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the stable C*-algebra and the related Ruelle algebra defined by I. Putnam from the irreducible Smale space associated with a topologically mixing expanding map of a compact metric space are strongly Morita equivalent to the groupoid C*-algebras defined directly from the expanding map by C. Anantharaman-Delaroche and V. Deaconu. As an application, we calculate the K⁎-group of the Ruelle algebra for a solenoid.

Morita equivalence of measured quantum groupoids. Application to deformation of measured quantum groupoids by 2-cocycles

Michel Enock (2012)

Banach Center Publications

In a recent article, Kenny De Commer investigated Morita equivalence between locally compact quantum groups, in which a measured quantum groupoid, of basis ℂ², was constructed as a linking object. Here, we generalize all these constructions and concepts to the level of measured quantum groupoids. As for locally compact quantum groups, we apply this construction to the deformation of a measured quantum groupoid by a 2-cocycle.

Nombres de Betti L 2 et facteurs de type II 1

Alain Connes (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Damien Gaboriau a montré récemment que les nombres de Betti L 2 des feuilletages mesurés à feuilles contractiles sont des invariants de la relation d’équivalence associée. Sorin Popa a utilisé ce résultat joint à des propriétés de rigidité des facteurs de type II 1 pour en déduire l’existence de facteurs de type II 1 dont le groupe fondamental est trivial.

Non-commutative entropy computations for continuous fields and cross-products

Emmanuel Germain (2007)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

We present here two non-commutative situations where dynamical entropy estimates are possible. The first result is concerned with automorphisms of cross-products by an exact group that commute with the group action and generalizes the result known for amenable groups. The second is about continuous fields of C * -algebras and C ( X ) -automorphisms. Each result relies on explicit factorization via matrices.

Non-equilibrium phase transitions, coherence and chaos

Geoffrey Sewell (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We present a scheme for the theory of phase transitions in open dissipative systems, and show that its demands are fulfilled by quantum stochastic models of open systems, such as the laser.

On derivations and crossed homomorphisms

Viktor Losert (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss some results about derivations and crossed homomorphisms arising in the context of locally compact groups and their group algebras, in particular, L¹(G), the von Neumann algebra VN(G) and actions of G on related algebras. We answer a question of Dales, Ghahramani, Grønbæk, showing that L¹(G) is always permanently weakly amenable. Then we show that for some classes of groups (e.g. IN-groups) the homology of L¹(G) with coefficients in VN(G) is trivial. But this is no longer true, in general,...

On measure theoretical analogues of the Takesaki structure theorem for type III factors

Alexandre Danilenko, Toshihiro Hamachi (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The orbit equivalence of type I I I 0 ergodic equivalence relations is considered. We show that it is equivalent to the outer conjugacy problem for the natural trace-scaling action of a countable dense ℝ-subgroup by automorphisms of the Radon-Nikodym skew product extensions of these relations. A similar result holds for the weak equivalence of arbitrary type I I I 0 cocycles with values in Abelian groups.

On subrelations of ergodic measured type III equivalence relations

Alexandre Danilenko (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We discuss the classification up to orbit equivalence of inclusions 𝑆 ⊂ ℛ of measured ergodic discrete hyperfinite equivalence relations. In the case of type III relations, the orbit equivalence classes of such inclusions of finite index are completely classified in terms of triplets consisting of a transitive permutation group G on a finite set (whose cardinality is the index of 𝑆 ⊂ ℛ), an ergodic nonsingular ℝ-flow V and a homomorphism of G to the centralizer of V.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 204