Displaying 141 – 160 of 204

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Quantum geometry of noncommutative Bernoulli shifts

Robert Alicki (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We construct an example of a noncommutative dynamical system defined over a two dimensional noncommutative differential manifold with two positive Lyapunov exponents equal to ln d each. This dynamical system is isomorphic to the quantum Bernoulli shift on the half-chain with the quantum dynamical entropy equal to 2 ln d. This result can be interpreted as a noncommutative analog of the isomorphism between the classical one-sided Bernoulli shift and the expanding map of the circle and moreover as...

Quantum lens spaces and principal actions on graph C*-algebras

Wojciech Szymański (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We study certain principal actions on noncommutative C*-algebras. Our main examples are the p - and -actions on the odd-dimensional quantum spheres, yielding as fixed-point algebras quantum lens spaces and quantum complex projective spaces, respectively. The key tool in our analysis is the relation of the ambient C*-algebras with the Cuntz-Krieger algebras of directed graphs. A general result about the principality of the gauge action on graph algebras is given.

Quantum symmetries in noncommutative C*-systems

Marcin Marciniak (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We introduce the notion of a completely quantum C*-system (A,G,α), i.e. a C*-algebra A with an action α of a compact quantum group G. Spectral properties of completely quantum systems are investigated. In particular, it is shown that G-finite elements form the dense *-subalgebra of A. Furthermore, properties of ergodic systems are studied. We prove that there exists a unique α-invariant state ω on A. Its properties are described by a family of modular operators σ z z acting on . It turns out that ω...

Range of a contractive strongly positive projection in a C*-algebra

Andrzej Łuczak (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We generalize a result of Choi and Effros on the range of a contractive completely positive projection in a C*-algebra to the case when this projection is only strongly positive using, moreover, an elementary argument instead of a 2×2-matrix technique.

Relatively independent joinings and subsystems of W*-dynamical systems

Rocco Duvenhage (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Relatively independent joinings of W*-dynamical systems are constructed. This is intimately related to subsystems of W*-dynamical systems, and therefore we also study general properties of subsystems, in particular fixed point subsystems and compact subsystems. This allows us to obtain characterizations of weak mixing and relative ergodicity, as well as of certain compact subsystems, in terms of joinings.

Restrictions of CP-semigroups to maximal commutative subalgebras

Franco Fagnola, Michael Skeide (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We give a necessary and sufficient criterion for a normal CP-map on a von Neumann algebra to admit a restriction to a maximal commutative subalgebra. We apply this result to give a far reaching generalization of Rebolledo's sufficient criterion for the Lindblad generator of a Markov semigroup on ℬ(G).

Rieffel’s pseudodifferential calculus and spectral analysis of quantum Hamiltonians

Marius Măntoiu (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We use the functorial properties of Rieffel’s pseudodifferential calculus to study families of operators associated to topological dynamical systems acted by a symplectic space. Information about the spectra and the essential spectra are extracted from the quasi-orbit structure of the dynamical system. The semi-classical behavior of the families of spectra is also studied.

Semi-étale groupoids and applications

Klaus Thomsen (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We associate a C * -algebra to a locally compact Hausdorff groupoid with the property that the range map is locally injective. The construction generalizes J. Renault’s reduced groupoid C * -algebra of an étale groupoid and has the advantage that it works for the groupoid arising from a locally injective dynamical system by the method introduced in increasing generality by Renault, Deaconu and Anantharaman-Delaroche. We study the C * -algebras of such groupoids and give necessary and sufficient conditions...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 204