Displaying 181 – 200 of 1123

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Signals generated in memristive circuits

Artur Sowa (2012)

Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications

Signals generated in circuits that include nano-structured elements typically have strongly distinct characteristics, particularly the hysteretic distortion. This is due to memristance, which is one of the key electronic properties of nanostructured materials. In this article, we consider signals generated from a memrsitive circuit model. We demonstrate numerically that such signals can be efficiently represented in certain custom-designed nonorthogonal bases. The proposed method ensures that the...

Similarity-preserving linear maps on B(X)

Fangyan Lu, Chaoran Peng (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space, and B(X) the algebra of all bounded linear operators on X. Then ϕ: B(X) → B(X) is a bijective similarity-preserving linear map if and only if one of the following holds: (1) There exist a nonzero complex number c, an invertible bounded operator T in B(X) and a similarity-invariant linear functional h on B(X) with h(I) ≠ -c such that ϕ ( A ) = c T A T - 1 + h ( A ) I for all A ∈ B(X). (2) There exist a nonzero complex number c, an invertible bounded linear operator T: X* → X and a...

Simultaneous solutions of operator Sylvester equations

Sang-Gu Lee, Quoc-Phong Vu (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We consider simultaneous solutions of operator Sylvester equations A i X - X B i = C i (1 ≤ i ≤ k), where ( A , . . . , A k ) and ( B , . . . , B k ) are commuting k-tuples of bounded linear operators on Banach spaces and ℱ, respectively, and ( C , . . . , C k ) is a (compatible) k-tuple of bounded linear operators from ℱ to , and prove that if the joint Taylor spectra of ( A , . . . , A k ) and ( B , . . . , B k ) do not intersect, then this system of Sylvester equations has a unique simultaneous solution.

Single valued extension property and generalized Weyl’s theorem

M. Berkani, N. Castro, S. V. Djordjević (2006)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let T be an operator acting on a Banach space X , let σ ( T ) and σ B W ( T ) be respectively the spectrum and the B-Weyl spectrum of T . We say that T satisfies the generalized Weyl’s theorem if σ B W ( T ) = σ ( T ) E ( T ) , where E ( T ) is the set of all isolated eigenvalues of T . The first goal of this paper is to show that if T is an operator of topological uniform descent and 0 is an accumulation point of the point spectrum of T , then T does not have the single valued extension property at 0 , extending an earlier result of J. K. Finch and a...

Singlevaluedness of monotone operators on subspaces of GSG spaces

Martin Heisler (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We extend Zajíček’s theorem from [Za] about points of singlevaluedness of monotone operators on Asplund spaces. Namely we prove that every monotone operator on a subspace of a Banach space containing densely a continuous image of an Asplund space (these spaces are called GSG spaces) is singlevalued on the whole space except a σ -cone supported set.

Singular integral operators on Nakano spaces with weights having finite sets of discontinuities

Alexei Yu. Karlovich (2011)

Banach Center Publications

In 1968, Gohberg and Krupnik found a Fredholm criterion for singular integral operators of the form aP + bQ, where a,b are piecewise continuous functions and P,Q are complementary projections associated to the Cauchy singular integral operator, acting on Lebesgue spaces over Lyapunov curves. We extend this result to the case of Nakano spaces (also known as variable Lebesgue spaces) with certain weights having finite sets of discontinuities on arbitrary Carleson curves.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 1123