Displaying 241 – 260 of 654

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The Kneser property for the abstract Cauchy problem

Hernán R. Henríquez, Genaro Castillo G. (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We establish existence of mild solutions for the semilinear first order functional abstract Cauchy problem and we prove that the set of mild solutions of this problem is connected in the space of continuous functions.

The Lax-Phillips infinitesimal generator and the scattering matrix for automorphic functions

Yoichi Uetake (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the infinitesimal generator of the Lax-Phillips semigroup of the automorphic scattering system defined on the Poincaré upper half-plane for SL₂(ℤ). We show that its spectrum consists only of the poles of the resolvent of the generator, and coincides with the poles of the scattering matrix, counted with multiplicities. Using this we construct an operator whose eigenvalues, counted with algebraic multiplicities (i.e. dimensions of generalized eigenspaces), are precisely the non-trivial zeros...

The level crossing problem in semi-classical analysis I. The symmetric case

Yves Colin de Verdière (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe a microlocal normal form for a symmetric system of pseudo-differential equations whose principal symbol is a real symmetric matrix with a generic crossing of eigenvalues. We use it in order to give a precise description of the microlocal solutions.

The Lévy laplacian and differential operators of 2-nd order in Hilbert spaces

Roman Lávička (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall show that every differential operator of 2-nd order in a real separable Hilbert space can be decomposed into a regular and an irregular operator. Then we shall characterize irregular operators and differential operators satisfying the maximum principle. Results obtained for the Lévy laplacian in [3] will be generalized for irregular differential operators satisfying the maximum principle.

The linear-quadratic optimal control problem for delay differential equations

Gabriella Di Blasio (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questo lavoro si considera il problema del controllo ottimo per un'equazione lineare con ritardo in uno spazio di Hilbert, con costo quadratico. Si dimostra che il problema della sintesi si traduce in una equazione di Riccati in uno opportuno spazio prodotto e si prova che tale equazione ammette un’unica soluzione.

The Marcinkiewicz multiplier condition for bilinear operators

Loukas Grafakos, Nigel J. Kalton (2001)

Studia Mathematica

This article is concerned with the question of whether Marcinkiewicz multipliers on 2 n give rise to bilinear multipliers on ℝⁿ × ℝⁿ. We show that this is not always the case. Moreover, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for such bilinear multipliers to be bounded. These conditions in particular imply that a slight logarithmic modification of the Marcinkiewicz condition gives multipliers for which the corresponding bilinear operators are bounded on products of Lebesgue and Hardy spaces.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 654