Displaying 3261 – 3280 of 11135

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Exponentials of bounded normal operators

Aicha Chaban, Mohammed Hichem Mortad (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The present paper is mainly concerned with equations involving exponentials of bounded normal operators. Conditions implying commutativity of normal operators are given, without using the known 2πi-congruence-free hypothesis. This is a continuation of a recent work by the second author.

Exponentials of normal operators and commutativity of operators: a new approach

Mohammed Hichem Mortad (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We present a new approach to the question of when the commutativity of operator exponentials implies that of the operators. This is proved in the setting of bounded normal operators on a complex Hilbert space. The proofs are based on some results on similarities by Berberian and Embry as well as the celebrated Fuglede theorem.

Extended Weyl type theorems

M. Berkani, H. Zariouh (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

An operator T acting on a Banach space X possesses property ( gw ) if σ a ( T ) σ SBF + - ( T ) = E ( T ) , where σ a ( T ) is the approximate point spectrum of T , σ SBF + - ( T ) is the essential semi-B-Fredholm spectrum of T and E ( T ) is the set of all isolated eigenvalues of T . In this paper we introduce and study two new properties ( b ) and ( gb ) in connection with Weyl type theorems, which are analogous respectively to Browder’s theorem and generalized Browder’s theorem. Among other, we prove that if T is a bounded linear operator acting on a Banach space X , then...

Extending the applicability of Newton's method using nondiscrete induction

Ioannis K. Argyros, Saïd Hilout (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We extend the applicability of Newton's method for approximating a solution of a nonlinear operator equation in a Banach space setting using nondiscrete mathematical induction concept introduced by Potra and Pták. We obtain new sufficient convergence conditions for Newton's method using Lipschitz and center-Lipschitz conditions instead of only the Lipschitz condition used in F. A. Potra, V. Pták, Sharp error bounds for Newton's process, Numer. Math., 34 (1980), 63–72, and F. A. Potra, V. Pták, Nondiscrete...

Extension and lifting of weakly continuous polynomials

Raffaella Cilia, Joaquín M. Gutiérrez (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We show that a Banach space X is an ℒ₁-space (respectively, an -space) if and only if it has the lifting (respectively, the extension) property for polynomials which are weakly continuous on bounded sets. We also prove that X is an ℒ₁-space if and only if the space w b ( m X ) of m-homogeneous scalar-valued polynomials on X which are weakly continuous on bounded sets is an -space.

Currently displaying 3261 – 3280 of 11135