Displaying 321 – 340 of 1497

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A metric on the space of projections admitting nice isometries

Lajos Molnár, Werner Timmermann (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Motivated by the concept of separation between propositions in quantum logic, we introduce the so-called separation metric or Santos metric on the space of all projections in a Hilbert space. We show that the resulting metric space has only "nice" surjective isometries. On the nontrivial projections they are all unitarily or antiunitarily equivalent to the identity or to taking the orthogonal complement. We relate this result to Wigner's classical theorem on the form of quantum mechanical symmetry...

A minimax inequality with applications to existence of equilibrium point and fixed point theorems

Xie Ding, Kok-Keong Tan (1992)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Ky Fan’s minimax inequality [8, Theorem 1] has become a versatile tool in nonlinear and convex analysis. In this paper, we shall first obtain a minimax inequality which generalizes those generalizations of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality due to Allen [1], Yen [18], Tan [16], Bae Kim Tan [3] and Fan himself [9]. Several equivalent forms are then formulated and one of them, the maximal element version, is used to obtain a fixed point theorem which in turn is applied to obtain an existence theorem of an...

A model for some analytic Toeplitz operators

K. Rudol (1991)

Studia Mathematica

We present a change of variable method and use it to prove the equivalence to bundle shifts for certain analytic Toeplitz operators on the Banach spaces H p ( G ) ( 1 p < ) . In Section 2 we see this approach applied in the analysis of essential spectra. Some partial results were obtained in [9] in the Hilbert space case.

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 1497