A characterization of exponential stability for periodic evolution families in terms of lower semicontinuous functionals.
In this paper we characterize the class of polynomially Riesz strongly continuous semigroups on a Banach space . Our main results assert, in particular, that the generators of such semigroups are either polynomially Riesz (then bounded) or there exist two closed infinite dimensional invariant subspaces and of with such that the part of the generator in is unbounded with resolvent of Riesz type while its part in is a polynomially Riesz operator.
We show that for a linear space of operators the following assertions are equivalent. (i) is reflexive in the sense of Loginov-Shulman. (ii) There exists an order-preserving map on a bilattice of subspaces determined by with and for any pair , and such that an operator lies in if and only if for all . This extends the Erdos-Power type characterization of weakly closed bimodules over a nest algebra to reflexive spaces.
We characterize some S-essential spectra of a closed linear relation in terms of certain linear relations of semi-Fredholm type.
In this article the essential spectrum of closed, densely defined linear operators is characterized on a large class of spaces, which possess the Dunford-Pettis property or which isomorphic to one of the spaces . A practical...
Let G be a locally compact abelian group and M(G) its measure algebra. Two measures μ and λ are said to be equivalent if there exists an invertible measure ϖ such that ϖ*μ = λ. The main result of this note is the following: A measure μ is invertible iff |μ̂| ≥ ε on Ĝ for some ε > 0 and μ is equivalent to a measure λ of the form λ = a + θ, where a ∈ L¹(G) and θ ∈ M(G) is an idempotent measure.
Given a domain of class , , we construct a chart that maps normals to the boundary of the half space to normals to the boundary of in the sense that and that still is of class . As an application we prove the existence of a continuous extension operator for all normal derivatives of order 0 to on domains of class . The construction of this operator is performed in weighted function spaces where the weight function is taken from the class of Muckenhoupt weights.