Displaying 4041 – 4060 of 11136

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Homoclinic orbits in a two-patch predator-prey model with Preisach hysteresis operator

Alexander Pimenov, Dmitrii Rachinskii (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

Systems of operator-differential equations with hysteresis operators can have unstable equilibrium points with an open basin of attraction. Such equilibria can have homoclinic orbits attached to them, and these orbits are robust. In this paper a population dynamics model with hysteretic response of the prey to variations of the predator is introduced. In this model the prey moves between two patches, and the derivative of the Preisach operator is used to describe the hysteretic flow between the...

(Homogeneous) markovian bridges

Vincent Vigon (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

(Homogeneous) Markov bridges are (time homogeneous) Markov chains which begin at a given point and end at a given point. The price to pay for preserving the homogeneity is to work with processes with a random life-span. Bridges are studied both for themselves and for their use in describing the transformations of Markov chains: restriction on a random interval, time reversal, time change, various conditionings comprising the confinement in some part of the state space. These bridges lead us to look...

Homogenization of a Periodic Parabolic Cauchy Problem in the Sobolev Space H1 (ℝd)

T. Suslina (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In L2(ℝd; ℂn), we consider a wide class of matrix elliptic second order differential operators 𝒜 ε with rapidly oscillating coefficients (depending on x/ε). For a fixed τ > 0 and small ε > 0, we find approximation of the operator exponential exp(− 𝒜 ετ) in the (L2(ℝd; ℂn) → H1(ℝd; ℂn))-operator norm with an error term of order ε. In this approximation, the corrector is taken...

Homogenization of diffusion equation with scalar hysteresis operator

Jan Franců (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

The paper deals with a scalar diffusion equation c u t = ( F [ u x ] ) x + f , where F is a Prandtl-Ishlinskii operator and c , f are given functions. In the diffusion or heat conduction equation the linear constitutive relation is replaced by a scalar Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis spatially dependent operator. We prove existence, uniqueness and regularity of solution to the corresponding initial-boundary value problem. The problem is then homogenized by considering a sequence of equations of the above type with spatially periodic...

Homomorphisms on algebras of Lipschitz functions

Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize a class of *-homomorphisms on Lip⁎(X,𝓑(𝓗 )), a non-commutative Banach *-algebra of Lipschitz functions on a compact metric space and with values in 𝓑(𝓗 ). We show that the zero map is the only multiplicative *-preserving linear functional on Lip⁎(X,𝓑(𝓗 )). We also establish the algebraic reflexivity property of a class of *-isomorphisms on Lip⁎(X,𝓑(𝓗 )).

Horocyclic products of trees

Laurent Bartholdi, Markus Neuhauser, Wolfgang Woess (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let T 1 , , T d be homogeneous trees with degrees q 1 + 1 , , q d + 1 3 , respectively. For each tree, let 𝔥 : T j be the Busemann function with respect to a fixed boundary point (end). Its level sets are the horocycles. The horocyclic product of T 1 , , T d is the graph 𝖣𝖫 ( q 1 , , q d ) consisting of all d -tuples x 1 x d T 1 × × T d with 𝔥 ( x 1 ) + + 𝔥 ( x d ) = 0 , equipped with a natural neighbourhood relation. In the present paper, we explore the geometric, algebraic, analytic and probabilistic properties of these graphs and their isometry groups. If d = 2 and q 1 = q 2 = q then we obtain a Cayley graph of the...

How to state necessary optimality conditions for control problems with deviating arguments?

Lassana Samassi, Rabah Tahraoui (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The aim of this paper is to give a general idea to state optimality conditions of control problems in the following form: inf ( u , v ) 𝒰 a d 0 1 f t , u ( θ v ( t ) ) , u ' ( t ) , v ( t ) d t , (1) where 𝒰 a d is a set of admissible controls and θ v is the solution of the following equation: { d θ ( t ) d t = g ( t , θ ( t ) , v ( t ) ) , t [ 0 , 1 ] ; θ ( 0 ) = θ 0 , θ ( t ) [ 0 , 1 ] t . (2). The results are nonlocal and new.

Currently displaying 4041 – 4060 of 11136