Displaying 4361 – 4380 of 11136

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Invertibility preserving linear mappings into M₂(ℂ)

M. H. Shirdarreh Haghighi (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We study discontinuous invertibility preserving linear mappings from a Banach algebra into the algebra of n × n matrices and give an explicit representation of such a mapping when n = 2.

Invertible and normal composition operators on the Hilbert Hardy space of a half–plane

Valentin Matache (2016)

Concrete Operators

Operators on function spaces of form Cɸf = f ∘ ɸ, where ɸ is a fixed map are called composition operators with symbol ɸ. We study such operators acting on the Hilbert Hardy space over the right half-plane and characterize the situations when they are invertible, Fredholm, unitary, and Hermitian. We determine the normal composition operators with inner, respectively with Möbius symbol. In select cases, we calculate their spectra, essential spectra, and numerical ranges.

Isolated points of some sets of bounded cosine families, bounded semigroups, and bounded groups on a Banach space

Adam Bobrowski, Wojciech Chojnacki (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We show that if the set of all bounded strongly continuous cosine families on a Banach space X is treated as a metric space under the metric of the uniform convergence associated with the operator norm on the space 𝓛(X) of all bounded linear operators on X, then the isolated points of this set are precisely the scalar cosine families. By definition, a scalar cosine family is a cosine family whose members are all scalar multiples of the identity operator. We also show that if the sets of all bounded...

Isolated points of spectrum of k-quasi-*-class A operators

Salah Mecheri (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H. In this paper we introduce a new class, denoted *, of operators satisfying T * k ( | T ² | - | T * | ² ) T k 0 where k is a natural number, and we prove basic structural properties of these operators. Using these results, we also show that if E is the Riesz idempotent for a non-zero isolated point μ of the spectrum of T ∈ *, then E is self-adjoint and EH = ker(T-μ) = ker(T-μ)*. Some spectral properties are also presented.

Currently displaying 4361 – 4380 of 11136