Displaying 4601 – 4620 of 11136

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Lifting properties, Nehari theorem and Paley lacunary inequality.

Mischa Cotlar, Cora Sadosky (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

A general notion of lifting properties for families of sesquilinear forms is formulated. These lifting properties, which appear as particular cases in many classical interpolation problems, are studied for the Toeplitz kernels in Z, and applied for refining and extending the Nehari theorem and the Paley lacunary inequality.

Limit points of arithmetic means of sequences in Banach spaces

Roman Lávička (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall prove the following statements: Given a sequence { a n } n = 1 in a Banach space 𝐗 enjoying the weak Banach-Saks property, there is a subsequence (or a permutation) { b n } n = 1 of the sequence { a n } n = 1 such that lim n 1 n j = 1 n b j = a whenever a belongs to the closed convex hull of the set of weak limit points of { a n } n = 1 . In case 𝐗 has the Banach-Saks property and { a n } n = 1 is bounded the converse assertion holds too. A characterization of reflexive spaces in terms of limit points and cores of bounded sequences is also given. The motivation for the...

Limit points of eigenvalues of truncated unbounded tridiagonal operators

E.K. Ifantis, C.G. Kokologiannaki, E. Petropoulou (2007)

Open Mathematics

Let T be a self-adjoint tridiagonal operator in a Hilbert space H with the orthonormal basis {e n}n=1∞, σ(T) be the spectrum of T and Λ(T) be the set of all the limit points of eigenvalues of the truncated operator T N. We give sufficient conditions such that the spectrum of T is discrete and σ(T) = Λ(T) and we connect this problem with an old problem in analysis.

Limited p -converging operators and relation with some geometric properties of Banach spaces

Mohammad B. Dehghani, Seyed M. Moshtaghioun (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

By using the concepts of limited p -converging operators between two Banach spaces X and Y , L p -sets and L p -limited sets in Banach spaces, we obtain some characterizations of these concepts relative to some well-known geometric properties of Banach spaces, such as * -Dunford–Pettis property of order p and Pelczyński’s property of order p , 1 p < .

Lineability of functionals and operators

Francisco Javier García-Pacheco, Daniele Puglisi (2010)

Studia Mathematica

This article is divided into two parts. The first one is on the linear structure of the set of norm-attaining functionals on a Banach space. We prove that every Banach space that admits an infinite-dimensional separable quotient can be equivalently renormed so that the set of norm-attaining functionals contains an infinite-dimensional vector subspace. This partially solves a question proposed by Aron and Gurariy. The second part is on the linear structure of dominated operators. We show that the...

Linear and nonlinear abstract differential equations of high order

Veli B. Shakhmurov (2015)

Open Mathematics

The nonlocal boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear degenerate abstract differential equations of arbitrary order are studied. The equations have the variable coefficients and small parameters in principal part. The separability properties for linear problem, sharp coercive estimates for resolvent, discreetness of spectrum and completeness of root elements of the corresponding differential operator are obtained. Moreover, optimal regularity properties for nonlinear problem is established....

Currently displaying 4601 – 4620 of 11136