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Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications

Continuation of invariant subspaces via the Recursive Projection Method

Vladimír Janovský, O. Liberda (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

The Recursive Projection Method is a technique for continuation of both the steady states and the dominant invariant subspaces. In this paper a modified version of the RPM called projected RPM is proposed. The modification underlines the stabilization effect. In order to improve the poor update of the unstable invariant subspace we have applied subspace iterations preconditioned by Cayley transform. A statement concerning the local convergence of the resulting method is proved. Results of numerical...

Continuité-Sobolev de certains opérateurs paradifférentiels.

Abdellah Youssfi (1990)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

L'objet de ce travail est l'étude de la continuité des opérateurs d'intégrales singulières (au sens de Calderón-Zygmund) sur les espaces de Sobolev Hs. Il complète le travail fondamental de David-Journé [6], concernant le cas s = 0, et ceux de P. G. Lemarié [10] et M. Meyer [11] concernant le cas 0 < s < 1.

Continuity of generalized inverses in Banach algebras

Steffen Roch, Bernd Silbermann (1999)

Studia Mathematica

The main topic of the paper is the continuity of several kinds of generalized inversion of elements in a Banach algebra with identity. We introduce the notion of asymptotic generalized invertibility and completely characterize sequences of elements with this property. Based on this result, we derive continuity criteria which generalize the well known criteria from operator theory.

Continuity of hysteresis operators in Sobolev spaces

Pavel Krejčí, Vladimír Lovicar (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

We prove that the classical Prandtl, Ishlinskii and Preisach hysteresis operators are continuous in Sobolev spaces W 1 , p ( 0 , T ) for 1 p < + , (localy) Lipschitz continuous in W 1 , 1 ( 0 , T ) and discontinuous in W 1 , ( 0 , T ) for arbitrary T > 0 . Examples show that this result is optimal.

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 727