Tracking control of a flexible beam by nonlinear boundary feedback.
We provide a general lower bound on the dynamics of one dimensional Schrödinger operators in terms of transfer matrices. In particular it yields a non trivial lower bound on the transport exponents as soon as the norm of transfer matrices does not grow faster than polynomially on a set of energies of full Lebesgue measure, and regardless of the nature of the spectrum. Applications to Hamiltonians with a) sparse, b) quasi-periodic, c) random decaying potential are provided....
A transference theorem for convolution operators is proved for certain families of one-dimensional hypergroups.
Certain weighted norm inequalities for integral operators with non-negative, monotone kernels are shown to remain valid when the weight is replaced by a monotone majorant or minorant of the original weight. A similar result holds for operators with quasi-concave kernels. To prove these results a careful investigation of the functional properties of the monotone envelopes of a non-negative function is carried-out. Applications are made to function space embeddings of the cones of monotone functions...
Dans cet article on étudie en premier lieu la résolvante (le noyau de Green) d’un opérateur agissant sur un arbre localement fini. Ce noyau est supposé invariant par un groupe d’automorphismes de l’arbre. On donne l’expression générique de cette résolvante et on établit des simplifications sous différentes hypothèses sur .En second lieu on introduit la transformation de Poisson qui associe à une mesure additive finie sur l’espace des bouts de l’arbre une fonction propre de l’ opérateur. On...
We develop methods for studying transition operators on metric spaces that are invariant under a co-compact group which acts properly. A basic requirement is a decomposition of such operators with respect to the group orbits. We then introduce reduced transition operators on the compact factor space whose norms and spectral radii are upper bounds for the Lp-norms and spectral radii of the original operator. If the group is amenable then the spectral radii of the original and reduced operators coincide,...
Let G be the multiplicative group of invertible elements of E(X), the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. In 1945 Mackey showed that if and are any two sets of linearly independent elements of X with the same number of items, then there exists T ∈ G so that , . We prove that some proper multiplicative subgroups of G have this property.
L'attività di ricerca di chi scrive si è finora indirizzata principalmente verso l'esame dei modelli di transizione di fase, dei modelli di isteresi, e delle relative equazioni non lineari alle derivate parziali. Qui si illustrano brevemente tali problematiche, indicando alcuni degli elementi che le collegano tra di loro. Il lavoro è organizzato come segue. I paragrafi 1, 2, 3 vertono sulle transizioni di fase: si introducono le formulazioni forte e debole del classico modello di Stefan, e si illustrano...