Displaying 601 – 620 of 1121

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Spectral analysis in a thin domain with periodically oscillating characteristics

Rita Ferreira, Luísa M. Mascarenhas, Andrey Piatnitski (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper deals with a Dirichlet spectral problem for an elliptic operator with ε-periodic coefficients in a 3D bounded domain of small thickness δ. We study the asymptotic behavior of the spectrum as ε and δ tend to zero. This asymptotic behavior depends crucially on whether ε and δ are of the same order (δ ≈ ε), or ε is much less than δ(δ = ετ, τ < 1), or ε is much greater than δ(δ = ετ, τ > 1). We consider all three cases.

Spectral analysis in a thin domain with periodically oscillating characteristics

Rita Ferreira, Luísa M. Mascarenhas, Andrey Piatnitski (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper deals with a Dirichlet spectral problem for an elliptic operator with ε-periodic coefficients in a 3D bounded domain of small thickness δ. We study the asymptotic behavior of the spectrum as ε and δ tend to zero. This asymptotic behavior depends crucially on whether ε and δ are of the same order (δ ≈ ε), or ε is much less than δ(δ = ετ, τ < 1), or ε is much greater than δ(δ = ετ, τ > 1). ...

Spectral analysis of subordinate Brownian motions on the half-line

Mateusz Kwaśnicki (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We study one-dimensional Lévy processes with Lévy-Khintchine exponent ψ(ξ²), where ψ is a complete Bernstein function. These processes are subordinate Brownian motions corresponding to subordinators whose Lévy measure has completely monotone density; or, equivalently, symmetric Lévy processes whose Lévy measure has completely monotone density on (0,∞). Examples include symmetric stable processes and relativistic processes. The main result is a formula for the generalized eigenfunctions of transition...

Spectral analysis of unbounded Jacobi operators with oscillating entries

Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We describe the spectra of Jacobi operators J with some irregular entries. We divide ℝ into three “spectral regions” for J and using the subordinacy method and asymptotic methods based on some particular discrete versions of Levinson’s theorem we prove the absolute continuity in the first region and the pure pointness in the second. In the third region no information is given by the above methods, and we call it the “uncertainty region”. As an illustration, we introduce and analyse the OP family...

Spectral and homological properties of Hilbert modules over the disc algebra

Raphaël Clouâtre (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We study general Hilbert modules over the disc algebra and exhibit necessary spectral conditions for the vanishing of certain associated extension groups. In particular, this sheds some light on the problem of identifying the projective Hilbert modules. Part of our work also addresses the classical derivation problem.

Spectral approach for kernel-based interpolation

Bertrand Gauthier, Xavier Bay (2012)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We describe how the resolution of a kernel-based interpolation problem can be associated with a spectral problem. An integral operator is defined from the embedding of the considered Hilbert subspace into an auxiliary Hilbert space of square-integrable functions. We finally obtain a spectral representation of the interpolating elements which allows their approximation by spectral truncation. As an illustration, we show how this approach can be used to enforce boundary conditions in kernel-based...

Spectral approximation for Segal-Bargmann space Toeplitz operators

Albrecht Böttcher, Hartmut Wolf (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Let A stand for a Toeplitz operator with a continuous symbol on the Bergman space of the polydisk N or on the Segal-Bargmann space over N . Even in the case N = 1, the spectrum Λ(A) of A is available only in a few very special situations. One approach to gaining information about this spectrum is based on replacing A by a large “finite section”, that is, by the compression A n of A to the linear span of the monomials z 1 k 1 . . . z N k N : 0 k j n . Unfortunately, in general the spectrum of A n does not mimic the spectrum of A as...

Spectral approximation of positive operators by iteration subspace method

Andrzej Pokrzywa (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

The iteration subspace method for approximating a few points of the spectrum of a positive linear bounded operator is studied. The behaviour of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the operators A n arising by this method and their dependence on the initial subspace are described. An application of the Schmidt orthogonalization process for approximate computation of eigenelements of operators A n is also considered.

Currently displaying 601 – 620 of 1121