Inflated mappings for singularities of codimension
We provide a number of either necessary and sufficient or only sufficient conditions on a local homeomorphism defined on an open, connected subset of the n-space to be actually a homeomorphism onto a star-shaped set. The unifying idea is the existence of "auxiliary" scalar functions that enjoy special behaviours along the paths that result from lifting the half-lines that radiate from a point in the codomain space. In our main result this special behaviour is monotonicity, and the auxiliary function...
Inner-outer factorization for matrix-valued functions defined on totally ordered groups has been considered by Helson and Lowdenslager in connection with multivariate prediction theory. We discuss their result in an operator-theoretic framework and prove that there are obstructions to its extension to operator-valued functions.
Our aim is to show a class of mathematical models in application to some problems of cell biology. Typically, our models are described via classical chemical networks. This property is visualized by a conservation law. Mathematically, this conservation law guarantees most of the mathematical properties of the models such as global existence and uniqueness of solutions as well as positivity of the solutions for positive data. These properties are consequences of the fact that the infinitesimal generators...
Dans ce travail, nous considérons un opérateur différentiel simple ainsi que des perturbations. Alors que le spectre de l’opérateur non-perturbé est confiné à une droite à l’intérieur du pseudospectre, nous montrons pour les opérateurs perturbés que les valeurs propres se distribuent à l’intérieur du pseudospectre d’après une loi de Weyl.
We consider a reaction-diffusion system of activator-inhibitor type which is subject to Turing's diffusion-driven instability. It is shown that unilateral obstacles of various type for the inhibitor, modeled by variational inequalities, lead to instability of the trivial solution in a parameter domain where it would be stable otherwise. The result is based on a previous joint work with I.-S. Kim, but a refinement of the underlying theoretical tool is developed. Moreover, a different regime of parameters...
This paper contains a theorem on the existence of monotonic and integrable solutions of a functional-integral equation. The proof of that theorem is based on the technique associated with the notion of a measure of weak noncompactness.
The heat kernel of a Sturm-Liouville operator with logarithmic potential can be described by using the Wiener integral associated with a real hyperplane arrangement. The heat kernel satisfies an infinite-dimensional analog of the Gauss-Manin connection (integrable system), generalizing a variational formula of Schläfli for the volume of a simplex in the space of constant curvature.
In the setting of spaces of homogeneous-type, we define the Integral, , and Derivative, , operators of order , where is a function of positive lower type and upper type less than , and show that and are bounded from Lipschitz spaces to and respectively, with suitable restrictions on the quasi-increasing function in each case. We also prove that and are bounded from the generalized Besov , with , and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces , with , of order to those of order and respectively,...