Displaying 181 – 200 of 864

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Snakes and articulated arms in an Hilbert space

Fernand Pelletier, Rebhia Saffidine (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The purpose of this paper is to give an illustration of results on integrability of distributions and orbits of vector fields on Banach manifolds obtained in [5] and [4]. Using arguments and results of these papers, in the context of a separable Hilbert space, we give a generalization of a Theorem of accessibility contained in [3] and [6] for articulated arms and snakes in a finite dimensional Hilbert space.

Sobolev-Kantorovich Inequalities

Michel Ledoux (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In a recent work, E. Cinti and F. Otto established some new interpolation inequalities in the study of pattern formation, bounding the Lr(μ)-norm of a probability density with respect to the reference measure μ by its Sobolev norm and the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance to μ. This article emphasizes this family of interpolation inequalities, called Sobolev-Kantorovich inequalities, which may be established in the rather large setting of non-negatively curved (weighted) Riemannian manifolds by means...

Soldered double linear morphisms

Alena Vanžurová (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Our aim is to show a method of finding all natural transformations of a functor T T * into itself. We use here the terminology introduced in [4,5]. The notion of a soldered double linear morphism of soldered double vector spaces (fibrations) is defined. Differentiable maps f : C 0 C 0 commuting with T T * -soldered automorphisms of a double vector space C 0 = V * × V × V * are investigated. On the set Z s ( C 0 ) of such mappings, appropriate partial operations are introduced. The natural transformations T T * T T * are bijectively related with the elements...

Solution géométrique

A. Genty (1876)

Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale

Solution of Belousov's problem

Maks A. Akivis, Vladislav V. Goldberg (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The authors prove that a local n-quasigroup defined by the equation x n + 1 = F ( x , . . . , x ) = ( f ( x ) + . . . + f ( x ) ) / ( x + . . . + x ) , where f i ( x i ) , i,j = 1,...,n, are arbitrary functions, is irreducible if and only if any two functions f i ( x i ) and f j ( x j ) , i ≠ j, are not both linear homogeneous, or these functions are linear homogeneous but f i ( x i ) / x i f j ( x j ) / x j . This gives a solution of Belousov’s problem to construct examples of irreducible n-quasigroups for any n ≥ 3.

Soluzioni di tipo barriera

Matteo Novaga (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We present the general theory of barrier solutions in the sense of De Giorgi, and we consider different applications to ordinary and partial differential equations. We discuss, in particular, the case of second order geometric evolutions, where the barrier solutions turn out to be equivalent to the well-known viscosity solutions.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 864