Displaying 201 – 220 of 864

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Solving non-holonomic Lagrangian dynamics in terms of almost product structures.

Manuel de León, David Martín de Diego (1996)

Extracta Mathematicae

Given a Lagrangian system with non-holonomic constraints we construct an almost product structure on the tangent bundle of the configuration manifold such that the projection of the Euler-Lagrange vector field gives the dynamics of the system. In a degenerate case, we develop a constraint algorithm which determines a final constraint submanifold where a completely consistent dynamics of the initial system exists.

Some Additive 2 - ( v , 5 , λ ) Designs

Andrea Caggegi (2015)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Given a finite additive abelian group G and an integer k , with 3 k | G | , denote by 𝒟 k ( G ) the simple incidence structure whose point-set is G and whose blocks are the k -subsets C = { c 1 , c 2 , , c k } of G such that c 1 + c 2 + + c k = 0 . It is known (see [Caggegi, A., Di Bartolo, A., Falcone, G.: Boolean 2-designs and the embedding of a 2-design in a group arxiv 0806.3433v2, (2008), 1–8.]) that 𝒟 k ( G ) is a 2-design, if G is an elementary abelian p -group with p a prime divisor of k . From [Caggegi, A., Falcone, G., Pavone, M.: On the additivity of block...

Some aspects of the homogeneous formalism in field theory and gauge invariance

Marcella Palese, Ekkehart Winterroth (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

We propose a suitable formulation of the Hamiltonian formalism for Field Theory in terms of Hamiltonian connections and multisymplectic forms where a composite fibered bundle, involving a line bundle, plays the role of an extended configuration bundle. This new approach can be interpreted as a suitable generalization to Field Theory of the homogeneous formalism for Hamiltonian Mechanics. As an example of application, we obtain the expression of a formal energy for a parametrized version of the Hilbert–Einstein...

Some aspects of the variational nature of mean curvature flow

Giovanni Bellettini, Luca Mugnai (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that the classical solution of the heat equation can be seen as the minimizer of a suitable functional defined in space-time. Using similar ideas, we introduce a functional on the class of space-time tracks of moving hypersurfaces, and we study suitable minimization problems related with . We show some connections between minimizers of and mean curvature flow.

Some chain rules for certain derivatives of double tensors depending on other such tensors and some point variables. I. On the pseudo-total derivative

Aldo Bressan (1986)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si considerano due spazi S μ e S ν , Riemanniani e a metrica eventualmente indefinita, riferiti a sistemi di co-ordinate e ν ; e inoltre un doppio tensore T associato ai punti - 1 ( x ) S μ e - 1 ( y ) S . Si pensa T dato da una funzione T ~ di m altri tali doppi tensori e di variabili puntuali x ( μ ) , t e y ( ν ) ; poi si considera la funzione composta T ^ ( x , t , y ) = T ~ [ H ˘ ( x , t , y ) , , H ˘ ( x , t , y ) 1 , , m , x , t , y ] . Nella Parte I si scrivono due regole per eseguire la derivazione totale di questa, connessa con una mappa ^

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 864