Displaying 21 – 40 of 328

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Rational invariant tori, phase space tunneling, and spectra for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2

Michael Hitrik, Johannes Sjöstrand (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We study spectral asymptotics and resolvent bounds for non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint h -pseudodifferential operators in dimension 2, assuming that the classical flow of the unperturbed part is completely integrable. Spectral contributions coming from rational invariant Lagrangian tori are analyzed. Estimating the tunnel effect between strongly irrational (Diophantine) and rational tori, we obtain an accurate description of the spectrum in a suitable complex window, provided that the...

Rational models of solvmanifolds with Kählerian structures.

A. Tralle (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We investigate the existence of symplectic non-Kählerian structures on compact solvmanifolds and prove some results which give strong necessary conditions for the existence of Kählerian structures in terms of rational homotopy theory. Our results explain known examples and generalize the Benson-Gordon theorem (Benson and Gordon (1990); our method allows us to drop the assumption of the complete solvability of G).

Rational symplectic field theory over 2 for exact Lagrangian cobordisms

Tobias Ekholm (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We construct a version of rational Symplectic Field Theory for pairs ( X , L ) , where X is an exact symplectic manifold, where L X is an exact Lagrangian submanifold with components subdivided into k subsets, and where both X and L have cylindrical ends. The theory associates to ( X , L ) a -graded chain complex of vector spaces over 2 , filtered with k filtration levels. The corresponding k -level spectral sequence is invariant under deformations of ( X , L ) and has the following property: if ( X , L ) is obtained by joining a...

Reachable sets for a class of contact sub-lorentzian metrics on ℝ³, and null non-smooth geodesics

Marek Grochowski (2008)

Banach Center Publications

We compute future timelike and nonspacelike reachable sets from the origin for a class of contact sub-Lorentzian metrics on ℝ³. Then we construct non-smooth (and therefore non-Hamiltonian) null geodesics for these metrics. As a consequence we deduce that the sub-Lorentzian distance from the origin is continuous at points belonging to the boundary of the reachable set.

Real hypersurfaces in a complex projective space with pseudo- 𝔻 -parallel structure Jacobi operator

Hyunjin Lee, Juan de Dios Pérez, Young Jin Suh (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce the new notion of pseudo- 𝔻 -parallel real hypersurfaces in a complex projective space as real hypersurfaces satisfying a condition about the covariant derivative of the structure Jacobi operator in any direction of the maximal holomorphic distribution. This condition generalizes parallelness of the structure Jacobi operator. We classify this type of real hypersurfaces.

Real hypersurfaces in complex space forms concerned with the local symmetry

Seon Mi Lyu, Juan de Dios Pérez, Young Jin Suh (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper consists of two parts. In the first, we find some geometric conditions derived from the local symmetry of the inverse image by the Hopf fibration of a real hypersurface M in complex space form M m ( 4 ϵ ) . In the second, we give a complete classification of real hypersurfaces in M m ( 4 ϵ ) which satisfy the above geometric facts.

Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with certain commuting condition

Hyunjin Lee, Seonhui Kim, Young Jin Suh (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, first we introduce a new notion of commuting condition that φ φ 1 A = A φ 1 φ between the shape operator A and the structure tensors φ and φ 1 for real hypersurfaces in G 2 ( m + 2 ) . Suprisingly, real hypersurfaces of type ( A ) , that is, a tube over a totally geodesic G 2 ( m + 1 ) in complex two plane Grassmannians G 2 ( m + 2 ) satisfy this commuting condition. Next we consider a complete classification of Hopf hypersurfaces in G 2 ( m + 2 ) satisfying the commuting condition. Finally we get a characterization of Type ( A ) in terms of such commuting...

Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with certain commuting condition II

Hyunjin Lee, Seonhui Kim, Young Jin Suh (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Lee, Kim and Suh (2012) gave a characterization for real hypersurfaces M of Type ( A ) in complex two plane Grassmannians G 2 ( m + 2 ) with a commuting condition between the shape operator A and the structure tensors φ and φ 1 for M in G 2 ( m + 2 ) . Motivated by this geometrical notion, in this paper we consider a new commuting condition in relation to the shape operator A and a new operator φ φ 1 induced by two structure tensors φ and φ 1 . That is, this commuting shape operator is given by φ φ 1 A = A φ φ 1 . Using this condition, we prove that...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 328