Displaying 1041 – 1060 of 1190

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On the theory of the 4-quasiplanar mappings of almost quaternionic spaces

Mikeš, Josef, Němčíková, Jana, Pokorná, Olga (1998)

Proceedings of the 17th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Authors’ abstract: “4-quasiplanar mappings of almost quaternionic spaces with affine connection without torsion are investigated. Geometrically motivated definitions of these mappings are presented. Based an these definitions, fundamental forms of these mappings are found, which are equivalent to the forms of 4-quasiplanar mappings introduced a priori by I. Kurbatova [Sov. Math. 30, 100-104 (1986; Zbl 0602.53029)]”.

On the topological charge conservation in the three-dimensional O ( 3 ) σ -model.

Jaroslav Dittrich (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

A field of three-component unit vectors on the 2 + 1 dimensional spacetime is considered. Two field configurations with different values of the topological charge cannot be connected by the path of field configurations with a finite Euclidean action. Therefore there is no transition between them. The initial and final configurations are assumed to be continuous at infinity. The asymptotic behaviour of intermediate configurations may be arbitrary. The proof is based on the properties of the degree of...

On the topology of positively curved Bazaikin spaces

Luis A. Florit, Wolfgang Ziller (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We explore some aspects of the topology of the family of 13-dimensional Bazaikin spaces. Using the computation of their homology rings, Pontryagin classes and linking forms, we show that there is only one Bazaikin space that is homotopy equivalent to a homogeneous space, i.e., the Berger space. Moreover, it is easily shown that there are only finitely many Bazaikin spaces in each homeomorphism type and that there are only finitely many positively curved ones for a given cohomology ring. In fact,...

Currently displaying 1041 – 1060 of 1190