Displaying 141 – 160 of 287

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Geometric properties of Lie hypersurfaces in a complex hyperbolic space

Young Ho Kim, Sadahiro Maeda, Hiromasa Tanabe (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study homogeneous real hypersurfaces having no focal submanifolds in a complex hyperbolic space. They are called Lie hypersurfaces in this space. We clarify the geometry of Lie hypersurfaces in terms of their sectional curvatures, the behavior of the characteristic vector field and their holomorphic distributions.

Geometric quantization and no-go theorems

Viktor Ginzburg, Richard Montgomery (2000)

Banach Center Publications

A geometric quantization of a Kähler manifold, viewed as a symplectic manifold, depends on the complex structure compatible with the symplectic form. The quantizations form a vector bundle over the space of such complex structures. Having a canonical quantization would amount to finding a natural (projectively) flat connection on this vector bundle. We prove that for a broad class of manifolds, including symplectic homogeneous spaces (e.g., the sphere), such connection does not exist. This is a...

Geometric quantization of integrable systems with hyperbolic singularities

Mark D. Hamilton, Eva Miranda (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We construct the geometric quantization of a compact surface using a singular real polarization coming from an integrable system. Such a polarization always has singularities, which we assume to be of nondegenerate type. In particular, we compute the effect of hyperbolic singularities, which make an infinite-dimensional contribution to the quantization, thus showing that this quantization depends strongly on polarization.

Geometric renormalization of large energy wave maps

Terence Tao (2004)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

There has been much progress in recent years in understanding the existence problem for wave maps with small critical Sobolev norm (in particular for two-dimensional wave maps with small energy); a key aspect in that theory has been a renormalization procedure (either a geometric Coulomb gauge, or a microlocal gauge) which converts the nonlinear term into one closer to that of a semilinear wave equation. However, both of these renormalization procedures encounter difficulty if the energy of the...

Geometric Structures in Bundlesof Associative Algebras

Igor M. Burlakov (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

The article deals with bundles of linear algebra as a specifications of the case of smooth manifold. It allows to introduce on smooth manifold a metric by a natural way. The transfer of geometric structure arising in the linear spaces of associative algebras to a smooth manifold is also presented.

Geometric structures of stable output feedback systems

Zhenning Zhang, Huafei Sun, Fengwei Zhong (2009)


In this paper, we investigate the geometric structures of the stable time-varying and the stable static output feedback systems. Firstly, we give a parametrization of stabilizing time-varying output feedback gains subject to certain constraints, that is, the subset of stabilizing time-varying output feedback gains is diffeomorphic to the Cartesian product of the set of time-varying positive definite matrices and the set of time-varying skew symmetric matrices satisfying certain algebraic conditions....

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 287