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The Euler-Poincaré-Hopf theorem for flat connections in some transitive Lie algebroids

Jan Kubarski (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper is a continuation of [19], [21], [22]. We study flat connections with isolated singularities in some transitive Lie algebroids for which either or s l ( 2 , ) or so ( 3 ) are isotropy Lie algebras. Under the assumption that the dimension of the isotropy Lie algebra is equal to n + 1 , where n is the dimension of the base manifold, we assign to any such isolated singularity a real number called an index. For -Lie algebroids, this index cannot be an integer. We prove the index theorem (the Euler-Poincaré-Hopf...

The modular class of a Poisson map

Raquel Caseiro, Rui Loja Fernandes (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce the modular class of a Poisson map. We look at several examples and we use the modular classes of Poisson maps to study the behavior of the modular class of a Poisson manifold under different kinds of reduction. We also discuss their symplectic groupoid version, which lives in groupoid cohomology.

The Weil algebra and the Van Est isomorphism

Camilo Arias Abad, Marius Crainic (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This paper belongs to a series of papers devoted to the study of the cohomology of classifying spaces. Generalizing the Weil algebra of a Lie algebra and Kalkman’s BRST model, here we introduce the Weil algebra W ( A ) associated to any Lie algebroid A . We then show that this Weil algebra is related to the Bott-Shulman complex (computing the cohomology of the classifying space) via a Van Est map and we prove a Van Est isomorphism theorem. As application, we generalize and find a simpler more conceptual...

Two-input control systems on the euclidean group  SE (2)

Ross M. Adams, Rory Biggs, Claudiu C. Remsing (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Any two-input left-invariant control affine system of full rank, evolving on the Euclidean group SE (2), is (detached) feedback equivalent to one of three typical cases. In each case, we consider an optimal control problem which is then lifted, via the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, to a Hamiltonian system on the dual space 𝔰𝔢 (2)*. These reduced Hamilton − Poisson systems are the main topic of this paper. A qualitative analysis of each reduced system is performed. This analysis...

Universal lifting theorem and quasi-Poisson groupoids

David Inglesias-Ponte, Camille Laurent-Gengoux, Ping Xu (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the universal lifting theorem: for an α -simply connected and α -connected Lie groupoid Γ with Lie algebroid A , the graded Lie algebra of multi-differentials on A is isomorphic to that of multiplicative multi-vector fields on Γ . As a consequence, we obtain the integration theorem for a quasi-Lie bialgebroid, which generalizes various integration theorems in the literature in special cases. The second goal of the paper is the study of basic properties of quasi-Poisson groupoids. In particular,...

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