Displaying 61 – 80 of 151

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Diagonal conditions in ordered spaces

Harold Bennett, David Lutzer (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a space X and a regular uncountable cardinal κ ≤ |X| we say that κ ∈ D(X) if for each T X 2 - Δ ( X ) with |T| = κ, there is an open neighborhood W of Δ(X) such that |T - W| = κ. If ω 1 D ( X ) then we say that X has a small diagonal, and if every regular uncountable κ ≤ |X| belongs to D(X) then we say that X has an H-diagonal. In this paper we investigate the interplay between D(X) and topological properties of X in the category of generalized ordered spaces. We obtain cardinal invariant theorems and metrization theorems...

Diagonal points having dense orbit

T. K. Subrahmonian Moothathu (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let f: X→ X be a topologically transitive continuous map of a compact metric space X. We investigate whether f can have the following stronger properties: (i) for each m ∈ ℕ, f × f ² × × f m : X m X m is transitive, (ii) for each m ∈ ℕ, there exists x ∈ X such that the diagonal m-tuple (x,x,...,x) has a dense orbit in X m under the action of f × f ² × × f m . We show that (i), (ii) and weak mixing are equivalent for minimal homeomorphisms, that all mixing interval maps satisfy (ii), and that there are mixing subshifts not satisfying (ii)....

Diagonals and discrete subsets of squares

Dennis Burke, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In 2008 Juhász and Szentmiklóssy established that for every compact space X there exists a discrete D X × X with | D | = d ( X ) . We generalize this result in two directions: the first one is to prove that the same holds for any Lindelöf Σ -space X and hence X ω is d -separable. We give an example of a countably compact space X such that X ω is not d -separable. On the other hand, we show that for any Lindelöf p -space X there exists a discrete subset D X × X such that Δ = { ( x , x ) : x X } D ¯ ; in particular, the diagonal Δ is a retract of D ¯ and the projection...

Diagonals of separately continuous functions of n variables with values in strongly σ -metrizable spaces

Olena Karlova, Volodymyr Mykhaylyuk, Oleksandr Sobchuk (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove the result on Baire classification of mappings f : X × Y Z which are continuous with respect to the first variable and belongs to a Baire class with respect to the second one, where X is a P P -space, Y is a topological space and Z is a strongly σ -metrizable space with additional properties. We show that for any topological space X , special equiconnected space Z and a mapping g : X Z of the ( n - 1 ) -th Baire class there exists a strongly separately continuous mapping f : X n Z with the diagonal g . For wide classes of spaces...

Dichotomies for 𝐂 0 ( X ) and 𝐂 b ( X ) spaces

Szymon Głąb, Filip Strobin (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Jachymski showed that the set ( x , y ) 𝐜 0 × 𝐜 0 : i = 1 n α ( i ) x ( i ) y ( i ) n = 1 is bounded is either a meager subset of 𝐜 0 × 𝐜 0 or is equal to 𝐜 0 × 𝐜 0 . In the paper we generalize this result by considering more general spaces than 𝐜 0 , namely 𝐂 0 ( X ) , the space of all continuous functions which vanish at infinity, and 𝐂 b ( X ) , the space of all continuous bounded functions. Moreover, we replace the meagerness by σ -porosity.

Dichotomies pour les espaces de suites réelles

Pierre Casevitz (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

There is a general conjecture, the dichotomy (C) about Borel equivalence relations E: (i) E is Borel reducible to the equivalence relation E G X where X is a Polish space, and a Polish group acting continuously on X; or (ii) a canonical relation E 1 is Borel reducible to E. (C) is only proved for special cases as in [So].  In this paper we make a contribution to the study of (C): a stronger conjecture is true for hereditary subspaces of the Polish space ω of real sequences, i.e., subspaces such that [ y = ( y n ) n X ...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 151