Displaying 101 – 120 of 135

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Borel extensions of Baire measures in ZFC

Menachem Kojman, Henryk Michalewski (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove: 1) Every Baire measure on the Kojman-Shelah Dowker space admits a Borel extension. 2) If the continuum is not real-valued-measurable then every Baire measure on M. E. Rudin's Dowker space admits a Borel extension. Consequently, Balogh's space remains the only candidate to be a ZFC counterexample to the measure extension problem of the three presently known ZFC Dowker spaces.

Borel partitions of unity and lower Carathéodory multifunctions

S. Srivastava (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove the existence of Carathéodory selections and representations of a closed convex valued, lower Carathéodory multifunction from a set A in A ( ( X ) ) into a separable Banach space Y, where ℰ is a sub-σ-field of the Borel σ-field ℬ(E) of a Polish space E, X is a Polish space and A is the Suslin operation. As applications we obtain random versions of results on extensions of continuous functions and fixed points of multifunctions. Such results are useful in the study of random differential equations...

Borel parts of the spectrum of an operator and of the operator algebra of a separable Hilbert space

Piotr Niemiec (2012)

Studia Mathematica

For a linear operator T in a Banach space let σ p ( T ) denote the point spectrum of T, let σ p , n ( T ) for finite n > 0 be the set of all λ σ p ( T ) such that dim ker(T - λ) = n and let σ p , ( T ) be the set of all λ σ p ( T ) for which ker(T - λ) is infinite-dimensional. It is shown that σ p ( T ) is σ , σ p , ( T ) is σ δ and for each finite n the set σ p , n ( T ) is the intersection of an σ set and a δ set provided T is closable and the domain of T is separable and weakly σ-compact. For closed densely defined operators in a separable Hilbert space a more detailed decomposition...

Borel sets with σ-compact sections for nonseparable spaces

Petr Holický (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that every (extended) Borel subset E of X × Y, where X is complete metric and Y is Polish, can be covered by countably many extended Borel sets with compact sections if the sections E x = y Y : ( x , y ) E , x ∈ X, are σ-compact. This is a nonseparable version of a theorem of Saint Raymond. As a by-product, we get a proof of Saint Raymond’s result which does not use transfinite induction.

Borsuk's quasi-equivalence is not transitive

Andrzej Kadlof, Nikola Koceić Bilan, Nikica Uglešić (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Borsuk's quasi-equivalence relation on the class of all compacta is considered. The open problem concerning transitivity of this relation is solved in the negative. Namely, three continua X, Y and Z lying in ℝ³ are constructed such that X is quasi-equivalent to Y and Y is quasi-equivalent to Z, while X is not quasi-equivalent to Z.

Borsuk-Sieklucki theorem in cohomological dimension theory

Margareta Boege, Jerzy Dydak, Rolando Jiménez, Akira Koyama, Evgeny V. Shchepin (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The Borsuk-Sieklucki theorem says that for every uncountable family X α α A of n-dimensional closed subsets of an n-dimensional ANR-compactum, there exist α ≠ β such that d i m ( X α X β ) = n . In this paper we show a cohomological version of that theorem: Theorem. Suppose a compactum X is c l c n + 1 , where n ≥ 1, and G is an Abelian group. Let X α α J be an uncountable family of closed subsets of X. If d i m G X = d i m G X α = n for all α ∈ J, then d i m G ( X α X β ) = n for some α ≠ β. For G being a countable principal ideal domain the above result was proved by Choi and Kozlowski...

Borsuk-Ulam type theorems

Adam Idzik (1995)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

A generalization of the theorem of Bajmóczy and Bárány which in turn is a common generalization of Borsuk's and Radon's theorem is presented. A related conjecture is formulated.

Bounded analytic sets in Banach spaces

Volker Aurich (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Conditions are given which enable or disable a complex space X to be mapped biholomorphically onto a bounded closed analytic subset of a Banach space. They involve on the one hand the Radon-Nikodym property and on the other hand the completeness of the Caratheodory metric of X .

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 135