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Universal spaces in the theory of transfinite dimension, I

Wojciech Olszewski (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

R. Pol has shown that for every countable ordinal α, there exists a universal space for separable metrizable spaces X with ind X = α . We prove that for every countable limit ordinal λ, there is no universal space for separable metrizable spaces X with Ind X = λ. This implies that there is no universal space for compact metrizable spaces X with Ind X = λ. We also prove that there is no universal space for compact metrizable spaces X with ind X = λ.

Universal spaces in the theory of transfinite dimension, II

Wojciech Olszewski (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct a family of spaces with “nice” structure which is universal in the class of all compact metrizable spaces of large transfinite dimension ω 0 , or, equivalently, of small transfinite dimension ω 0 ; that is, the family consists of compact metrizable spaces whose transfinite dimension is ω 0 , and every compact metrizable space with transfinite dimension ω 0 is embeddable in a space of the family. We show that the least possible cardinality of such a universal family is equal to the least possible...

Universality of the μ-predictor

Christopher S. Hardin (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For suitable topological spaces X and Y, given a continuous function f:X → Y and a point x ∈ X, one can determine the value of f(x) from the values of f on a deleted neighborhood of x by taking the limit of f. If f is not required to be continuous, it is impossible to determine f(x) from this information (provided |Y| ≥ 2), but as the author and Alan Taylor showed in 2009, there is nevertheless a means of guessing f(x), called the μ-predictor, that will be correct except on a small set; specifically,...

Universally Kuratowski–Ulam spaces

David Fremlin, Tomasz Natkaniec, Ireneusz Recław (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We introduce the notions of Kuratowski-Ulam pairs of topological spaces and universally Kuratowski-Ulam space. A pair (X,Y) of topological spaces is called a Kuratowski-Ulam pair if the Kuratowski-Ulam Theorem holds in X× Y. A space Y is called a universally Kuratowski-Ulam (uK-U) space if (X,Y) is a Kuratowski-Ulam pair for every space X. Obviously, every meager in itself space is uK-U. Moreover, it is known that every space with a countable π-basis is uK-U. We prove the following: ...

Unraveling the Tangled Complexity of DNA: Combining Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Biology to Understand Replication, Recombination and Repair

S. Robic, J. R. Jungck (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

How does DNA, the molecule containing genetic information, change its three-dimensional shape during the complex cellular processes of replication, recombination and repair? This is one of the core questions in molecular biology which cannot be answered without help from mathematical modeling. Basic concepts of topology and geometry can be introduced in undergraduate teaching to help students understand counterintuitive complex structural transformations...

Upper and Lower Bounds in Relator Spaces

Száz, Árpád (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 06A06, 54E15An ordered pair X(R) = ( X, R ) consisting of a nonvoid set X and a nonvoid family R of binary relations on X is called a relator space. Relator spaces are straightforward generalizations not only of uniform spaces, but also of ordered sets. Therefore, in a relator space we can naturally define not only some topological notions, but also some order theoretic ones. It turns out that these two, apparently quite different, types of notions are closely...

Upper quasi continuous maps and quasi continuous selections

Milan Matejdes (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper deals with the existence of a quasi continuous selection of a multifunction for which upper inverse image of any open set with compact complement contains a set of the form ( G I ) J , where G is open and I , J are from a given ideal. The methods are based on the properties of a minimal multifunction which is generated by a cluster process with respect to a system of subsets of the form ( G I ) J .

Urysohn universal spaces as metric groups of exponent 2

Piotr Niemiec (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The aim of the paper is to prove that the bounded and unbounded Urysohn universal spaces have unique (up to isometric isomorphism) structures of metric groups of exponent 2. An algebraic-geometric characterization of Boolean Urysohn spaces (i.e. metric groups of exponent 2 which are metrically Urysohn spaces) is given.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 182