Displaying 21 – 40 of 42

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Compositions of simple maps

Jerzy Krzempek (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A map (= continuous function) is of order ≤ k if each of its point-inverses has at most k elements. Following [4], maps of order ≤ 2 are called simple.  Which maps are compositions of simple closed [open, clopen] maps? How many simple maps are really needed to represent a given map? It is proved herein that every closed map of order ≤ k defined on an n-dimensional metric space is a composition of (n+1)k-1 simple closed maps (with metric domains). This theorem fails to be true...

Condensations of Cartesian products

Oleg I. Pavlov (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider when one-to-one continuous mappings can improve normality-type and compactness-type properties of topological spaces. In particular, for any Tychonoff non-pseudocompact space X there is a μ such that X μ can be condensed onto a normal ( σ -compact) space if and only if there is no measurable cardinal. For any Tychonoff space X and any cardinal ν there is a Tychonoff space M which preserves many properties of X and such that any one-to-one continuous image of M μ , μ ν , contains a closed copy...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 42