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Finite-to-one continuous s-covering mappings

Alexey Ostrovsky (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The following theorem is proved. Let f: X → Y be a finite-to-one map such that the restriction f | f - 1 ( S ) is an inductively perfect map for every countable compact set S ⊂ Y. Then Y is a countable union of closed subsets Y i such that every restriction f | f - 1 ( Y i ) is an inductively perfect map.

Finite-to-one maps and dimension

Jerzy Krzempek (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown that for every at most k-to-one closed continuous map f from a non-empty n-dimensional metric space X, there exists a closed continuous map g from a zero-dimensional metric space onto X such that the composition f∘g is an at most (n+k)-to-one map. This implies that f is a composition of n+k-1 simple ( = at most two-to-one) closed continuous maps. Stronger conclusions are obtained for maps from Anderson-Choquet spaces and ones that satisfy W. Hurewicz's condition (α). The main tool is...

Free spaces

Jian Song, E. Tymchatyn (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A space Y is called a free space if for each compactum X the set of maps with hereditarily indecomposable fibers is a dense G δ -subset of C(X,Y), the space of all continuous functions of X to Y. Levin proved that the interval I and the real line ℝ are free. Krasinkiewicz independently proved that each n-dimensional manifold M (n ≥ 1) is free and the product of any space with a free space is free. He also raised a number of questions about the extent of the class of free spaces. In this paper we will...

Functions Equivalent to Borel Measurable Ones

Andrzej Komisarski, Henryk Michalewski, Paweł Milewski (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let X and Y be two Polish spaces. Functions f,g: X → Y are called equivalent if there exists a bijection φ from X onto itself such that g∘φ = f. Using a theorem of J. Saint Raymond we characterize functions equivalent to Borel measurable ones. This characterization answers a question asked by M. Morayne and C. Ryll-Nardzewski.

Functions that map cozerosets to cozerosets

Suzanne Larson (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A function f mapping the topological space X to the space Y is called a z-open function if for every cozeroset neighborhood H of a zeroset Z in X , the image f ( H ) is a neighborhood of cl Y ( f ( Z ) ) in Y . We say f has the z-separation property if whenever U , V are cozerosets and Z is a zeroset of X such that U Z V , there is a zeroset Z ' of Y such that f ( U ) Z ' f ( V ) . A surjective function is z-open if and only if it maps cozerosets to cozerosets and has the z-separation property. We investigate z-open functions and other functions...

Further properties of 1-sequence-covering maps

Tran Van An, Luong Quoc Tuyen (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Some relationships between 1 -sequence-covering maps and weak-open maps or sequence-covering s -maps are discussed. These results are used to generalize a result from Lin S., Yan P., Sequence-covering maps of metric spaces, Topology Appl. 109 (2001), 301–314.

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