Displaying 41 – 60 of 75

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A note on weakly ( μ , λ ) -closed functions

Bishwambhar Roy (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper we introduce a new class of functions called weakly ( μ , λ ) -closed functions with the help of generalized topology which was introduced by Á. Császár. Several characterizations and some basic properties of such functions are obtained. The connections between these functions and some other similar types of functions are given. Finally some comparisons between different weakly closed functions are discussed. This weakly ( μ , λ ) -closed functions enable us to facilitate the formulation of certain...

A quest for nice kernels of neighbourhood assignments

Raushan Z. Buzyakova, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk, Richard Gordon Wilson (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a topological property (or a class) 𝒫 , the class 𝒫 * dual to 𝒫 (with respect to neighbourhood assignments) consists of spaces X such that for any neighbourhood assignment { O x : x X } there is Y X with Y 𝒫 and { O x : x Y } = X . The spaces from 𝒫 * are called dually 𝒫 . We continue the study of this duality which constitutes a development of an idea of E. van Douwen used to define D -spaces. We prove a number of results on duals of some general classes of spaces establishing, in particular, that any generalized ordered space...

A spectral characterization of skeletal maps

Taras Banakh, Andrzej Kucharski, Marta Martynenko (2013)

Open Mathematics

We prove that a map between two realcompact spaces is skeletal if and only if it is homeomorphic to the limit map of a skeletal morphism between ω-spectra with surjective limit projections.

Absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz spaces

Yan-Kui Song (2015)

Open Mathematics

A space X is absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz if for each sequence (Un :n ∈ℕ/ of open covers of X and each dense subset D of X, there exists a sequence (Fn :n ∈ℕ/ of finite subsets of D such that for each x ∈X, x ∈St(Fn; Un) for all but finitely many n. In this paper, we investigate the relationships between absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz spaces and related spaces, and also study topological properties of absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz spaces.

Absolutely terminal continua and confluent mappings

Janusz Jerzy Charatonik (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Interrelations between three concepts of terminal continua and their behaviour, when the underlying continuum is confluently mapped, are studied.

Algebraic characterization of finite (branched) coverings

M. Mulero (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Every continuous map X → S defines, by composition, a homomorphism between the corresponding algebras of real-valued continuous functions C(S) → C(X). This paper deals with algebraic properties of the homomorphism C(S) → C(X) in relation to topological properties of the map X → S. The main result of the paper states that a continuous map X → S between topological manifolds is a finite (branched) covering, i.e., an open and closed map whose fibres are finite, if and only if the induced homomorphism...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 75