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Lindelöf property and the iterated continuous function spaces

G. Sokolov (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give an example of a compact space X whose iterated continuous function spaces C p ( X ) , C p C p ( X ) , . . . are Lindelöf, but X is not a Corson compactum. This solves a problem of Gul’ko (Problem 1052 in [11]). We also provide a theorem concerning the Lindelöf property in the function spaces C p ( X ) on compact scattered spaces with the ω 1 th derived set empty, improving some earlier results of Pol [12] in this direction.

Local/global uniform approximation of real-valued continuous functions

Anthony W. Hager (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a Tychonoff space X , C ( X ) is the lattice-ordered group ( l -group) of real-valued continuous functions on X , and C * ( X ) is the sub- l -group of bounded functions. A property that X might have is (AP) whenever G is a divisible sub- l -group of C * ( X ) , containing the constant function 1, and separating points from closed sets in X , then any function in C ( X ) can be approximated uniformly over X by functions which are locally in G . The vector lattice version of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem is more-or-less equivalent...

LΣ(≤ ω)-spaces and spaces of continuous functions

Israel Lara, Oleg Okunev (2010)

Open Mathematics

We present a few results and problems related to spaces of continuous functions with the topology of pointwise convergence and the classes of LΣ(≤ ω)-spaces; in particular, we prove that every Gul’ko compact space of cardinality less or equal to 𝔠 is an LΣ(≤ ω)-space.

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