Displaying 121 – 140 of 155

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Some generalization of Steinhaus' lattice points problem

Paweł Zwoleński (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Steinhaus' lattice points problem addresses the question of whether it is possible to cover exactly n lattice points on the plane with an open ball for every fixed nonnegative integer n. This paper includes a theorem which can be used to solve the general problem of covering elements of so-called quasi-finite sets in Hilbert spaces. Some applications of this theorem are considered.

Some geometric properties of typical compact convex sets in Hilbert spaces

F. de Blasi (1999)

Studia Mathematica

An investigation is carried out of the compact convex sets X in an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space , for which the metric antiprojection q X ( e ) from e to X has fixed cardinality n+1 ( n arbitrary) for every e in a dense subset of . A similar study is performed in the case of the metric projection p X ( e ) from e to X where X is a compact subset of .

The algebraic dimension of linear metric spaces and Baire properties of their hyperspaces.

Taras Banakh, Anatolij Plichko (2006)


Answering a question of Halbeisen we prove (by two different methods) that the algebraic dimension of each infinite-dimensional complete linear metric space X equals the size of X. A topological method gives a bit more: the algebraic dimension of a linear metric space X equals |X| provided the hyperspace K(X) of compact subsets of X is a Baire space. Studying the interplay between Baire properties of a linear metric space X and its hyperspace, we construct a hereditarily Baire linear metric space...

The Dugundji extension property can fail in ωµ -metrizable spaces

Ian Stares, Jerry Vaughan (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that there exist ω μ -metrizable spaces which do not have the Dugundji extension property ( 2 ω 1 with the countable box topology is such a space). This answers a question posed by the second author in 1972, and shows that certain results of van Douwen and Borges are false.

The Gruenhage property, property *, fragmentability, and σ-isolated networks in generalized ordered spaces

Harold Bennett, David Lutzer (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We examine the Gruenhage property, property * (introduced by Orihuela, Smith, and Troyanski), fragmentability, and the existence of σ-isolated networks in the context of linearly ordered topological spaces (LOTS), generalized ordered spaces (GO-spaces), and monotonically normal spaces. We show that any monotonically normal space with property * or with a σ-isolated network must be hereditarily paracompact, so that property * and the Gruenhage property are equivalent in monotonically normal spaces....

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 155