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Denseness and Borel complexity of some sets of vector measures

Zbigniew Lipecki (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let ν be a positive measure on a σ-algebra Σ of subsets of some set and let X be a Banach space. Denote by ca(Σ,X) the Banach space of X-valued measures on Σ, equipped with the uniform norm, and by ca(Σ,ν,X) its closed subspace consisting of those measures which vanish at every ν-null set. We are concerned with the subsets ν ( X ) and ν ( X ) of ca(Σ,X) defined by the conditions |φ| = ν and |φ| ≥ ν, respectively, where |φ| stands for the variation of φ ∈ ca(Σ,X). We establish necessary and sufficient conditions...

Descriptive properties of mappings between nonseparable Luzin spaces

Petr Holický, Václav Komínek (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We relate some subsets G of the product X × Y of nonseparable Luzin (e.g., completely metrizable) spaces to subsets H of × Y in a way which allows to deduce descriptive properties of G from corresponding theorems on H . As consequences we prove a nonseparable version of Kondô’s uniformization theorem and results on sets of points y in Y with particular properties of fibres f - 1 ( y ) of a mapping f X Y . Using these, we get descriptions of bimeasurable mappings between nonseparable Luzin spaces in terms of fibres.

Descriptive Sets and the Topology of Nonseparable Banach Spaces

Hansell, R. (2001)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

This paper was extensively circulated in manuscript form beginning in the Summer of 1989. It is being published here for the first time in its original form except for minor corrections, updated references and some concluding comments.

Dichotomies pour les espaces de suites réelles

Pierre Casevitz (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

There is a general conjecture, the dichotomy (C) about Borel equivalence relations E: (i) E is Borel reducible to the equivalence relation E G X where X is a Polish space, and a Polish group acting continuously on X; or (ii) a canonical relation E 1 is Borel reducible to E. (C) is only proved for special cases as in [So].  In this paper we make a contribution to the study of (C): a stronger conjecture is true for hereditary subspaces of the Polish space ω of real sequences, i.e., subspaces such that [ y = ( y n ) n X ...

Egoroff, σ, and convergence properties in some archimedean vector lattices

A. W. Hager, J. van Mill (2015)

Studia Mathematica

An archimedean vector lattice A might have the following properties: (1) the sigma property (σ): For each a n c o n A there are λ n ( 0 , ) and a ∈ A with λₙaₙ ≤ a for each n; (2) order convergence and relative uniform convergence are equivalent, denoted (OC ⇒ RUC): if aₙ ↓ 0 then aₙ → 0 r.u. The conjunction of these two is called strongly Egoroff. We consider vector lattices of the form D(X) (all extended real continuous functions on the compact space X) showing that (σ) and (OC ⇒ RUC) are equivalent, and equivalent...

Ensembles singuliers associés aux espaces de Banach réticulés

Denis Feyel (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

À tout espace de Banach fonctionnel réticulé est associée une quasi-topologie. Avec une hypothèse de dénombrabilité convenable, cette notion généralise la topologie polonaise classique. Les ensembles singuliers sont les ensembles discrets, clairsemés etc. que l’on caractérise à l’aide des mesures qu’ils portent. Le théorème de Baire admet aussi une généralisation. Application est faite au modèle probabiliste et à la théorie du potentiel.

Every Lusin set is undetermined in the point-open game

Ireneusz Recław (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that some classes of small sets are topological versions of some combinatorial properties. We also give a characterization of spaces for which White has a winning strategy in the point-open game. We show that every Lusin set is undetermined, which solves a problem of Galvin.

Extension of point-finite partitions of unity

Haruto Ohta, Kaori Yamazaki (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A subspace A of a topological space X is said to be P γ -embedded ( P γ (point-finite)-embedded) in X if every (point-finite) partition of unity α on A with |α| ≤ γ extends to a (point-finite) partition of unity on X. The main results are: (Theorem A) A subspace A of X is P γ (point-finite)-embedded in X iff it is P γ -embedded and every countable intersection B of cozero-sets in X with B ∩ A = ∅ can be separated from A by a cozero-set in X. (Theorem B) The product A × [0,1] is P γ (point-finite)-embedded in X...

Extension operators on balls and on spaces of finite sets

Antonio Avilés, Witold Marciszewski (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study extension operators between spaces of continuous functions on the spaces σ ( 2 X ) of subsets of X of cardinality at most n. As an application, we show that if B H is the unit ball of a nonseparable Hilbert space H equipped with the weak topology, then, for any 0 < λ < μ, there is no extension operator T : C ( λ B H ) C ( μ B H ) .

Extensions of Borel Measurable Maps and Ranges of Borel Bimeasurable Maps

Petr Holický (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove an abstract version of the Kuratowski extension theorem for Borel measurable maps of a given class. It enables us to deduce and improve its nonseparable version due to Hansell. We also study the ranges of not necessarily injective Borel bimeasurable maps f and show that some control on the relative classes of preimages and images of Borel sets under f enables one to get a bound on the absolute class of the range of f. This seems to be of some interest even within separable spaces.

Extensions of generic measure-preserving actions

Julien Melleray (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that, whenever Γ is a countable abelian group and Δ is a finitely-generated subgroup of Γ , a generic measure-preserving action of Δ on a standard atomless probability space ( X , μ ) extends to a free measure-preserving action of Γ on ( X , μ ) . This extends a result of Ageev, corresponding to the case when Δ is infinite cyclic.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 331