Displaying 2281 – 2300 of 3052

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Simplicial types and polynomial algebras

Francisco Gómez (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

This paper shows that the simplicial type of a finite simplicial complex K is determined by its algebra A of polynomial functions on the baricentric coordinates with coefficients in any integral domain. The link between K and A is done through certain admissible matrix associated to K in a natural way. This result was obtained for the real numbers by I. V. Savel’ev [5], using methods of real algebraic geometry. D. Kan and E. Miller had shown in [2] that A determines the homotopy type of the polyhedron...

Simply connected right multipeak algebras and the separation property

Stanisław Kasjan (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let R=k(Q,I) be a finite-dimensional algebra over a field k determined by a bound quiver (Q,I). We show that if R is a simply connected right multipeak algebra which is chord-free and ˜ -free in the sense defined below then R has the separation property and there exists a preprojective component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the category prin(R) of prinjective R-modules. As a consequence we get in 4.6 a criterion for finite representation type of prin(R) in terms of the prinjective Tits quadratic...

Currently displaying 2281 – 2300 of 3052