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Cyclic branched coverings and homology 3-spheres with large group actions

Bruno P. Zimmermann (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that, if the covering involution of a 3-manifold M occurring as the 2-fold branched covering of a knot in the 3-sphere is contained in a finite nonabelian simple group G of diffeomorphisms of M, then M is a homology 3-sphere and G isomorphic to the alternating or dodecahedral group 𝔸₅ ≅ PSL(2,5). An example of such a 3-manifold is the spherical Poincaré sphere. We construct hyperbolic analogues of the Poincaré sphere. We also give examples of hyperbolic ℤ₂-homology 3-spheres with PSL(2,q)-actions,...

Cyclic branched coverings of 2-bridge knots.

Alberto Cavicchioli, Beatrice Ruini, Fulvia Spaggiari (1999)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper we study the connections between cyclic presentations of groups and the fundamental group of cyclic branched coverings of 2-bridge knots. Then we show that the topology of these manifolds (and knots) arises, in a natural way, from the algebraic properties of such presentations.

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