Displaying 201 – 220 of 310

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Discrete Approximations of Strong Solutions of Reflecting SDEs with Discontinuous Coefficients

Alina Semrau (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We study L p convergence for the Euler scheme for stochastic differential equations reflecting on the boundary of a general convex domain D ⊆ ℝd. We assume that the equation has the pathwise uniqueness property and its coefficients are measurable and continuous almost everywhere with respect to the Lebesgue measure. In the case D=[0,∞) new sufficient conditions ensuring pathwise uniqueness for equations with possibly discontinuous coefficients are given.

Discrete limit laws for additive functions on the symmetric group

Eugenijus Manstavičius (2005)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

Inspired by probabilistic number theory, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which the numbers of cycles with lengths in arbitrary sets posses an asymptotic limit law. The approach can be extended to deal with the counts of components with the size constraints for other random combinatorial structures.

Discrete limit theorems for the Laplace transform of the Riemann zeta-function

Roma Kačinskaitė, Antanas Laurinčikas (2005)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

In the paper discrete limit theorems in the sense of weak convergence of probability measures on the complex plane as well as in the space of analytic functions for the Laplace transform of the Riemann zeta-function are proved.

Discrete Lundberg-type bounds with actuarial applications

Kristina Sendova (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Different kinds of renewal equations repeatedly arise in connection with renewal risk models and variations. It is often appropriate to utilize bounds instead of the general solution to the renewal equation due to the inherent complexity. For this reason, as a first approach to construction of bounds we employ a general Lundberg-type methodology. Second, we focus specifically on exponential bounds which have the advantageous feature of being closely connected to the asymptotic behavior (for large...

Discrete Models of Time-Fractional Diffusion in a Potential Well

Gorenflo, R., Abdel-Rehim, E. (2005)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 45K05, 60J60, 60G50, 65N06, 80-99.By generalization of Ehrenfest’s urn model, we obtain discrete approximations to spatially one-dimensional time-fractional diffusion processes with drift towards the origin. These discrete approximations can be interpreted (a) as difference schemes for the relevant time-fractional partial differential equation, (b) as random walk models. The relevant convergence questions as well as the behaviour for time tending to infinity...

Discrete random processes with memory: Models and applications

Tomáš Kouřim, Petr Volf (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

The contribution focuses on Bernoulli-like random walks, where the past events significantly affect the walk's future development. The main concern of the paper is therefore the formulation of models describing the dependence of transition probabilities on the process history. Such an impact can be incorporated explicitly and transition probabilities modulated using a few parameters reflecting the current state of the walk as well as the information about the past path. The behavior of proposed...

Discrete stochastic processes, replicator and Fokker-Planck equations of coevolutionary dynamics in finite and infinite populations

Jens Christian Claussen (2008)

Banach Center Publications

Finite-size fluctuations in coevolutionary dynamics arise in models of biological as well as of social and economic systems. This brief tutorial review surveys a systematic approach starting from a stochastic process discrete both in time and state. The limit N → ∞ of an infinite population can be considered explicitly, generally leading to a replicator-type equation in zero order, and to a Fokker-Planck-type equation in first order in 1/√N. Consequences and relations to some previous approaches...

Discrete time markovian agents interacting through a potential

Amarjit Budhiraja, Pierre Del Moral, Sylvain Rubenthaler (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

A discrete time stochastic model for a multiagent system given in terms of a large collection of interacting Markov chains is studied. The evolution of the interacting particles is described through a time inhomogeneous transition probability kernel that depends on the ‘gradient’ of the potential field. The particles, in turn, dynamically modify the potential field through their cumulative input. Interacting Markov processes of the above form have been suggested as models for active biological transport...

Discrete time risk sensitive portfolio optimization with consumption and proportional transaction costs

Łukasz Stettner (2005)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Risk sensitive and risk neutral long run portfolio problems with consumption and proportional transaction costs are studied. Existence of solutions to suitable Bellman equations is shown. The asymptotics of the risk sensitive cost when the risk factor converges to 0 is then considered. It turns out that optimal strategies are stationary functions of the portfolio (portions of the wealth invested in assets) and of economic factors. Furthermore an optimal portfolio strategy for a risk neutral control...

Discrete version of Dungey’s proof for the gradient heat kernel estimate on coverings

Satoshi Ishiwata (2007)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

We obtain another proof of a Gaussian upper estimate for a gradient of the heat kernel on cofinite covering graphs whose covering transformation group has a polynomial volume growth. It is proved by using the temporal regularity of the discrete heat kernel obtained by Blunck [2] and Christ [3] along with the arguments of Dungey [7] on covering manifolds.

Disjointness results for some classes of stable processes

Michael Hernández, Christian Houdré (1993)

Studia Mathematica

We discuss the disjointness of two classes of stable stochastic processes: moving averages and Fourier transforms. Results on the incompatibility of these two representations date back to Urbanik. Here we extend various disjointness results to encompass larger classes of processes.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 310