Décomposition des martingales locales et formules exponentielles
In this paper we exhibit some decompositions in orthogonal stochastic integrals of two-parameter square integrable martingales adapted to a Brownian sheet which generalize the representation theorem of E. Wong and M. Zakai ([6]). Concretely, a development in a series of multiple stochastic integrals is obtained for such martingales. These results are applied for the characterization of martingales of path independent variation.
A market with defaultable bonds where the bond dynamics is in a Heath-Jarrow-Morton setting and the forward rates are driven by an infinite number of Lévy factors is considered. The setting includes rating migrations driven by a Markov chain. All basic types of recovery are investigated. We formulate necessary and sufficient conditions (generalized HJM conditions) under which the market is arbitrage-free. Connections with consistency conditions are discussed.
Six different functions measuring the defect of a quasi-copula, i. e., how far away it is from a copula, are discussed. This is done by means of extremal non-positive volumes of specific rectangles (in a way that a zero defect characterizes copulas). Based on these defect functions, six transformations of quasi-copulas are investigated which give rise to six different partitions of the set of all quasi-copulas. For each of these partitions, each equivalence class contains exactly one copula being...
Uniqueness of the martingale problem corresponding to a degenerate SDE which models catalytic branching networks is proven. This work is an extension of the paper by Dawson and Perkins [Illinois J. Math.50 (2006) 323–383] to arbitrary catalytic branching networks. As part of the proof estimates on the corresponding semigroup are found in terms of weighted Hölder norms for arbitrary networks, which are proven to be equivalent to the semigroup norm for this generalized setting.