Displaying 701 – 720 of 1206

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On the discrete time-varying JLQG problem

Adam Czornik, Andrzej Świerniak (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the present paper optimal time-invariant state feedback controllers are designed for a class of discrete time-varying control systems with Markov jumping parameter and quadratic performance index. We assume that the coefficients have limits as time tends to infinity and the boundary system is absolutely observable and stabilizable. Moreover, following the same line of reasoning, an adaptive controller is proposed in the case when system parameters are unknown but their strongly consistent estimators...

On the discretization in time of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Jacques Printems (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We first generalize, in an abstract framework, results on the order of convergence of a semi-discretization in time by an implicit Euler scheme of a stochastic parabolic equation. In this part, all the coefficients are globally Lipchitz. The case when the nonlinearity is only locally Lipchitz is then treated. For the sake of simplicity, we restrict our attention to the Burgers equation. We are not able in this case to compute a pathwise order of the approximation, we introduce the weaker notion...

On the discretization in time of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Jacques Printems (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We first generalize, in an abstract framework, results on the order of convergence of a semi-discretization in time by an implicit Euler scheme of a stochastic parabolic equation. In this part, all the coefficients are globally Lipchitz. The case when the nonlinearity is only locally Lipchitz is then treated. For the sake of simplicity, we restrict our attention to the Burgers equation. We are not able in this case to compute a pathwise order of the approximation, we introduce the weaker notion...

On the distance between ⟨X⟩ and L in the space of continuous BMO-martingales

Litan Yan, Norihiko Kazamaki (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let X = (Xₜ,ℱₜ) be a continuous BMO-martingale, that is, | | X | | B M O s u p T | | E [ | X - X T | | T ] | | < , where the supremum is taken over all stopping times T. Define the critical exponent b(X) by b ( X ) = b > 0 : s u p T | | E [ e x p ( b ² ( X - X T ) ) | T ] | | < , where the supremum is taken over all stopping times T. Consider the continuous martingale q(X) defined by q ( X ) = E [ X | ] - E [ X | ] . We use q(X) to characterize the distance between ⟨X⟩ and the class L of all bounded martingales in the space of continuous BMO-martingales, and we show that the inequalities 1 / 4 d ( q ( X ) , L ) b ( X ) 4 / d ( q ( X ) , L ) hold for every continuous BMO-martingale X.

On the distribution of random variables corresponding to Musielak-Orlicz norms

David Alonso-Gutiérrez, Sören Christensen, Markus Passenbrunner, Joscha Prochno (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Given a normalized Orlicz function M we provide an easy formula for a distribution such that, if X is a random variable distributed accordingly and X₁,...,Xₙ are independent copies of X, then 1 / C p | | x | | M | | ( x i X i ) i = 1 | | p C p | | x | | M , where C p is a positive constant depending only on p. In case p = 2 we need the function t ↦ tM’(t) - M(t) to be 2-concave and as an application immediately obtain an embedding of the corresponding Orlicz spaces into L₁[0,1]. We also provide a general result replacing the p -norm by an arbitrary N-norm. This...

Currently displaying 701 – 720 of 1206