Displaying 721 – 740 of 1206

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On the divergence of certain integrals of the Wiener process

Lawrence A. Shepp, John R. Klauder, Hiroshi Ezawa (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let f ( x ) be a nonnegative function with its only singularity at x = 0 , e.g. f ( x ) = | x | - α , α > 0 . We study the behavior of the Wiener process W ( t ) in left and right hand neighborhoods of level crossings by finding necessary and sufficient conditions on f for the integrals of f ( W ( t ) ) to be finite or infinite.

On the dominance relation between ordinal sums of conjunctors

Susanne Saminger, Bernard De Baets, Hans De Meyer (2006)


This contribution deals with the dominance relation on the class of conjunctors, containing as particular cases the subclasses of quasi-copulas, copulas and t-norms. The main results pertain to the summand-wise nature of the dominance relation, when applied to ordinal sum conjunctors, and to the relationship between the idempotent elements of two conjunctors involved in a dominance relationship. The results are illustrated on some well-known parametric families of t-norms and copulas.

On the equivalence of some eternal additive coalescents

Anne-Laure Basdevant (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this paper, we study additive coalescents. Using their representation as fragmentation processes, we prove that the law of a large class of eternal additive coalescents is absolutely continuous with respect to the law of the standard additive coalescent on any bounded time interval.

On the estimation in a class of diffusion-type processes. Aplication for diffusion branching processes.

Manuel Molina Fernández, Aurora Hermoso Carazo (1990)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this work a family of stochastic differential equations whose solutions are multidimensional diffusion-type (non necessarily markovian) processes is considered, and the estimation of a parametric vector θ which relates the coefficients is studied. The conditions for the existence of the likelihood function are proved and the estimator is obtained by continuously observing the process. An application for Diffusion Branching Processes is given. This problem has been studied in some special cases...

On the estimation of the drift coefficient in diffusion processes with random stopping times.

Ramón Gutiérrez Jáimez, Aurora Hermoso Carazo, Manuel Molina Fernández (1986)

Trabajos de Estadística

This paper considers stochastic differential equations with solutions which are multidimensional diffusion processes with drift coefficient depending on a parametric vector θ. By considering a trajectory observed up to a stopping time, the maximum likelihood estimator for θ has been obtained and its consistency and asymptotic normality have been proved.

Currently displaying 721 – 740 of 1206