Displaying 781 – 800 of 1119

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Structure of mixing and category of complete mixing for stochastic operators

Anzelm Iwanik, Ryszard Rębowski (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let T be a stochastic operator on a σ-finite standard measure space with an equivalent σ-finite infinite subinvariant measure λ. Then T possesses a natural "conservative deterministic factor" Φ which is the Frobenius-Perron operator of an invertible measure preserving transformation φ. Moreover, T is mixing ("sweeping") iff φ is a mixing transformation. Some stronger versions of mixing are also discussed. In particular, a notion of *L¹-s.o.t. mixing is introduced and characterized in terms of weak...

Study of Queuing Systems with a Generalized Departure Process

Mirtchev, Seferin, Statev, Stanimir (2008)

Serdica Journal of Computing

This work was supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under grant BY-TH-105/2005.This paper deals with a full accessibility loss system and a single server delay system with a Poisson arrival process and state dependent exponentially distributed service time. We use the generalized service flow with nonlinear state dependence mean service time. The idea is based on the analytical continuation of the Binomial distribution and the classic M/M/n/0 and M/M/1/k system. We apply techniques based...

Subgaussianity and exponential integrability of real random variables: comparison of the norms

Rita Giuliano Antonini (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Nello spazio delle variabili aleatorie subgaussiane definite su Ω , A , P si studia l'equivalenza tra la norma subgaussiana e la norma di Fernique, dando valutazioni numeriche delle costanti di equivalenza. A tale scopo si fa uso di una nuova caratterizzazione della norma subgaussiana delle variabili aleatorie simmetriche.

Submedidas C y cuantificación de probabilidades comparativas.

César Rodríguez Ortiz (1982)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

De los axiomas de Villegas para probabilidades comparativas, el de continuidad monótona resulta suficiente para la compatibilidad con una submedida C (Ortiz, 1980, Teo. 8), mientras que el axioma de no existencia de átomos, junto con el anterior, caracteriza la subclase de probabilidades comparativas sin átomos que pueden representarse mediante medidas de probabilidad. El estudio de las propiedades de las submedidas C nos conduce a proponer en este trabajo un nuevo axioma, que junto al de continuidad...

Sudakov-type minoration for log-concave vectors

Rafał Latała (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We formulate and discuss a conjecture concerning lower bounds for norms of log-concave vectors, which generalizes the classical Sudakov minoration principle for Gaussian vectors. We show that the conjecture holds for some special classes of log-concave measures and some weaker forms of it are satisfied in the general case. We also present some applications based on chaining techniques.

Currently displaying 781 – 800 of 1119