Pointwise theorems for amenable groups.
The aim of this note is to describe the Poisson boundary of the group of invertible triangular matrices with coefficients in a number field. It generalizes to any dimension and to any number field a result of Brofferio concerning the Poisson boundary of random rational affinities.
We study the statistics of the largest eigenvalues of real symmetric and sample covariance matrices when the entries are heavy tailed. Extending the result obtained by Soshnikov in (Electron. Commun. Probab.9 (2004) 82–91), we prove that, in the absence of the fourth moment, the asymptotic behavior of the top eigenvalues is determined by the behavior of the largest entries of the matrix.
The asymptotic distributions of the number of vertices of a given degree in random graphs, where the probabilities of edges may not be the same, are given. Using the method of Poisson convergence, distributions in a general and particular cases (complete, almost regular and bipartite graphs) are obtained.
The aim of this paper is to give a description of the Poisson kernel and the Green function of balls in the complex hyperbolic space. The description is in terms of the hypergeometric function and unitary spherical harmonics in ℂⁿ.
Starting with the computation of the appropriate Poisson kernels, we review, complement, and compare results on drifted Laplace operators in two different contexts: homogeneous trees and the hyperbolic half-plane.
Suppose that red and blue points occur as independent homogeneous Poisson processes in ℝd. We investigate translation-invariant schemes for perfectly matching the red points to the blue points. For any such scheme in dimensions d=1, 2, the matching distance X from a typical point to its partner must have infinite d/2th moment, while in dimensions d≥3 there exist schemes where X has finite exponential moments. The Gale–Shapley stable marriage is one natural matching scheme, obtained by iteratively...
Stein's method is used to prove approximations in total variation to the distributions of integer valued random variables by (possibly signed) compound Poisson measures. For sums of independent random variables, the results obtained are very explicit, and improve upon earlier work of Kruopis (1983) and Čekanavičius (1997); coupling methods are used to derive concrete expressions for the error bounds. An example is given to illustrate the potential for application to sums of dependent random variables. ...