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Técnicas de validación cruzada en la estimación de la densidad bajo condiciones de dependencia.

Alejandro Quintela del Río, Juan Manuel Vilar Fernández (1991)


Se estudian modificaciones de las técnicas de validación cruzada de Kullback-Leibler y mínimos cuadrados para obtener el parámetro de suavización asociado a un estimador general no paramétrico de la función de densidad, a partir de la muestra, en el supuesto de que los datos verifican alguna condición débil de dependencia.Se demuestra que los parámetros obtenidos por estas dos técnicas son asintóticamente óptimos. Y se realiza un estudio de simulación.

Text document classification based on mixture models

Jana Novovičová, Antonín Malík (2004)


Finite mixture modelling of class-conditional distributions is a standard method in a statistical pattern recognition. This paper, using bag-of-words vector document representation, explores the use of the mixture of multinomial distributions as a model for class-conditional distribution for multiclass text document classification task. Experimental comparison of the proposed model and the standard Bernoulli and multinomial models as well as the model based on mixture of multivariate Bernoulli distributions...

The emergence of french probabilistic statistics. Borel and the Institut Henri Poincaré around the 1920s

Rémi Catellier, Laurent Mazliak (2012)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

This paper concerns the emergence of modern mathematical statistics in France after the First World War. Emile Borel’s achievements are presented, and especially his creation of two institutions where mathematical statistics was developed: the Statistical Institute of Paris University, (ISUP) in 1922 and above all the Henri Poincaré Institute (IHP) in 1928. At the IHP, a new journal Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré was created in 1931. We discuss the first papers in that journal dealing with...

The expected cumulative operational time for finite semi-Markov systems and estimation

Brahim Ouhbi, Ali Boudi, Mohamed Tkiouat (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper we, firstly, present a recursive formula of the empirical estimator of the semi-Markov kernel. Then a non-parametric estimator of the expected cumulative operational time for semi-Markov systems is proposed. The asymptotic properties of this estimator, as the uniform strongly consistency and normality are given. As an illustration example, we give a numerical application.

The LASSO estimator: Distributional properties

Rakshith Jagannath, Neelesh S. Upadhye (2018)


The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) is a popular technique for simultaneous estimation and model selection. There have been a lot of studies on the large sample asymptotic distributional properties of the LASSO estimator, but it is also well-known that the asymptotic results can give a wrong picture of the LASSO estimator's actual finite-sample behaviour. The finite sample distribution of the LASSO estimator has been previously studied for the special case of orthogonal models....

The law of the iterated logarithm for the multivariate kernel mode estimator

Abdelkader Mokkadem, Mariane Pelletier (2003)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let θ be the mode of a probability density and θ n its kernel estimator. In the case θ is nondegenerate, we first specify the weak convergence rate of the multivariate kernel mode estimator by stating the central limit theorem for θ n - θ . Then, we obtain a multivariate law of the iterated logarithm for the kernel mode estimator by proving that, with probability one, the limit set of the sequence θ n - θ suitably normalized is an ellipsoid. We also give a law of the iterated logarithm for the l p norms, p [ 1 , ] , of θ n - θ ....

The law of the iterated logarithm for the multivariate kernel mode estimator

Abdelkader Mokkadem, Mariane Pelletier (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let θ be the mode of a probability density and θn its kernel estimator. In the case θ is nondegenerate, we first specify the weak convergence rate of the multivariate kernel mode estimator by stating the central limit theorem for θn - θ. Then, we obtain a multivariate law of the iterated logarithm for the kernel mode estimator by proving that, with probability one, the limit set of the sequence θn - θ suitably normalized is an ellipsoid. We also give a law of the iterated logarithm for the...

The output least squares identifiability of the diffusion coefficient from an H 1 –observation in a 2–D elliptic equation

Guy Chavent, Karl Kunisch (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Output least squares stability for the diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation in dimension two is analyzed. This guarantees Lipschitz stability of the solution of the least squares formulation with respect to perturbations in the data independently of their attainability. The analysis shows the influence of the flow direction on the parameter to be estimated. A scale analysis for multi-scale resolution of the unknown parameter is provided.

The Output Least Squares Identifiability of the Diffusion Coefficient from an H1–Observation in a 2–D Elliptic Equation

Guy Chavent, Karl Kunisch (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Output least squares stability for the diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation in dimension two is analyzed. This guarantees Lipschitz stability of the solution of the least squares formulation with respect to perturbations in the data independently of their attainability. The analysis shows the influence of the flow direction on the parameter to be estimated. A scale analysis for multi-scale resolution of the unknown parameter is provided.

Towards a universally consistent estimator of the Minkowski content

Antonio Cuevas, Ricardo Fraiman, László Györfi (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We deal with a subject in the interplay between nonparametric statistics and geometric measure theory. The measure L0(G) of the boundary of a set G ⊂ ℝd (with d ≥ 2) can be formally defined, via a simple limit, by the so-called Minkowski content. We study the estimation of L0(G) from a sample of random points inside and outside G. The sample design assumes that, for each sample point, we know (without error) whether or not that point belongs to G. Under this design we suggest a simple nonparametric...

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